Episode 45
Christmas in Colonial Williamsburg
We give you tips and tricks for getting the most out of visiting Colonial Williamsburg at Christmas time. If you are a fan of coming here...this is a MUST-DO!
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Jen, , you did a good job of really saying, here's why these
Scott:doors are decorated in this manner.
Scott:Because people would look at 'em and you could tell they were kind of doing double
Scott:takes or looking longer because there'd be a wreath with like a big circle of apples.
Scott:You're like, why is there a big circle of apples on there?
Scott:And you explained that.
Scott:We don't have any guests tonight, so we're gonna talk about what you
Scott:probably saw in the thumbnail, which is Christmas in Colonial Williamsburg.
Scott:But before we do that, I wanna let the folks know that this episode is brought
Scott:to you by the hashtag Historic Newsletter.
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Scott:So if you're listening on the, the podcast, if you're one of our
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Scott:. We do our best to to podcast this right after our video goes live.
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Scott:So, Jen, let's talk a little bit about Colonial Williamsburg or Christmas.
Scott:It was quite a treat.
Jenn:It was awesome.
Jenn:It was really walking back into time and then of course Christmas decorations
Jenn:and the feeling of Christmas everywhere.
Jenn:It was really just a, a really great experience.
Jenn:So, I mean, to do Colonial Williamsburg is cool, but to do Colonial Williamsburg
Jenn:at Christmas time is like super cool.
Scott:And one of the, the things that we tried to highlight, we actually had to do
Scott:two trips to kind of cover everything.
Scott:So Friday, because it was your birthday not long ago, and
Scott:birthday, she's a December birthday.
Scott:So we went down and, and I took the, the day off on Friday.
Scott:You took the day off on Friday.
Scott:And so we went down for your birthday.
Scott:So we spent the whole day down there, did a whole bunch of stuff.
Scott:And, but on Saturday, and we'll talk about this a little bit
Scott:later the first three Saturday.
Scott:Of December.
Scott:Colonial Williamsburg does something pretty unique.
Jenn:Yes, they do.
Jenn:What they call the grand illumination.
Jenn:But it was interesting how we found out about this.
Jenn:So we had gone for my birthday, like you said, and I had packed the day
Jenn:full of events, and we'll talk about those events because they were awesome.
Jenn:But one of the things we did that we've been trying to do, For a while was
Jenn:they have a veteran's place on the main street where if you're a veteran you
Jenn:can go in and get like hot chocolate and speak to the people in there.
Jenn:And they had a bunch of coins.
Jenn:And I know that one of the, his historic fellow historians we follow on Instagram
Jenn:did a little thing about challenge coins and military challenge coins.
Jenn:So they had like racks of challenge coins in there.
Jenn:And we got our hot chocolate in there and they had said to us, are you coming
Jenn:back tomorrow for the grand illumination?
Jenn:And we're like, well, what's that?
Jenn:And the gentleman there was like, oh, it's awesome.
Jenn:They used to just do it one time in December, but because they did it
Jenn:one time and like 20,000 people came,
Scott:no, he said like
Jenn:Oh, it's like 50,000 people.
Jenn:They've spread it out to three nights now in December.
Jenn:So the first three Saturdays in December from five to seven, they.
Jenn:Have a declaration of Christmas.
Jenn:They pretend like it's Christmas 1760, and they, they go to a couple different of the
Jenn:historic homes and make these declarations and light the candles in the windows.
Jenn:But the coolest part is the fireworks.
Jenn:So they do colonial fireworks from the governor's palace, which is the
Jenn:big building at the end of the green.
Jenn:and then the capital building.
Jenn:So those are like the two buildings that are kind of perpendicular to
Jenn:each other in Colonial Williamsburg.
Jenn:But another cool thing is they have these baskets of wood along Duke of
Jenn:Gloucester, which is Gloucester, which is the big street in Colonial Williamsburg.
Jenn:And they light them.
Scott:And so, so we did our best in the video, which I think folks, probably
Scott:a couple folks I know who are chat or in the chat saw the video.
Scott:You know, we, we tried to, there's actually some steps that they
Scott:use for the horse carriages.
Scott:And so Jen was like, Hey Scott, get up on those steps so you can
Scott:get a good shot of the street.
Scott:And so that's what that picture of is.
Scott:If you watched the, the video, I actually got up on these steps that
Scott:are there to help actually people get into some of the horse carriages.
Scott:But the steps were left behind because the horse carriages were long gone.
Scott:And, and so I tried to get that, that picture with all
Scott:the torches lining the street.
Scott:It was very cool.
Scott:Gave it that very colonial vibe,
Jenn:a very colonial vibe because we had done a haunted williamsburg
Jenn:tour, which those are all year long.
Jenn:So if you ever wanna do a haunted tour and during those haunted tours
Jenn:they take you to different locations and light like a, like a fire.
Jenn:And that's kind of cool cuz you're like, this is kind of what they
Jenn:would use as light in colonial times.
Jenn:It would be, lanterns at night or fire.
Jenn:So it's neat to be there as they light these.
Jenn:But to see these lit kind of torches, they're like baskets of
Jenn:fire the whole way down the street.
Jenn:They have one every couple yards.
Jenn:It was just super cool and we show you on the video, like our kids are kind of like
Jenn:looking at it like, wow, that's so neat.
Scott:Before we kind of dive a little bit deeper into the kind of grand
Scott:illumination, you know, events, what was the first thing that we did?
Scott:It was the, the, the market.
Jenn:So if you watch our, you know, recommendations to visit Williamsburg,
Jenn:we're gonna recommend you park at the Rockefeller Folk Art Museum because if
Jenn:you park at the visitor center, it's going to be a bus ride over or a very long walk.
Jenn:So we recommend parking at the museum and at the museum for
Jenn:Christmas, they do a Christmas, Williamsburg, Christmas marketplace
Jenn:an outside kind of farmer's market.
Jenn:And court street is the street right behind the museum and they close Court
Jenn:Street and it's just, it's really cool.
Jenn:Artisans crafts food.
Scott:They've got little hot chocolate.
Scott:Beer and wine for the adults
Jenn:and sell little like cute things that you would buy for Christmas.
Jenn:I bought some historical photographs that had been colorized,
Jenn:like of the wasps and stuff.
Jenn:But they have Santa Claus, so the kids were really happy about that.
Jenn:And it's free and it's a great way for you to kind of see everything.
Jenn:But we had parked there because, During Christmas, and this is true, anytime
Jenn:you're at Colonial Williamsburg, they do little like shows and performances and
Jenn:I had made reservations to see Merriment and, measles, I think it was called.
Jenn:Yeah, yeah.
Jenn:And it's about, it's was so cool.
Jenn:It's about.
Jenn:George Washington and Martha Washington's first Christmas
Jenn:together after they're married.
Jenn:So they're married January 6th, 1759, and this.
Jenn:Show is January 6th, 1760.
Jenn:And so it's the first year of marriage and Martha has just come
Jenn:down with the measles and she's kind of on the other side of the measles.
Jenn:And it comes from a letter that George Washington wrote.
Jenn:Some of his correspondence that he had written saying that, you know,
Jenn:Martha was really sick and it was touch and go there for a while, he
Jenn:really thought he was gonna lose her.
Jenn:They ended up bringing the doctor, they ended up sending the children away
Jenn:and and that she was feeling better.
Jenn:Even though he oversaw Mount Vernon, she oversaw the household.
Scott:So he had to, he had to step into kind of her role, the household role.
Scott:He had to
Jenn:is taking care of all the people and Wow.
Jenn:Logistics, food and just, and, and it was Christmas time, so, Christmas in
Jenn:Cologna times is not Christmas today.
Jenn:I, I tell
Scott:was interesting.
Jenn:Christmas during cologna times is a lot, what we think of Thanksgiving today
Jenn:because we didn't have, than Thanksgiving is a, is a newer tradition probably
Jenn:within the last 200 years to celebrate it.
Scott:we did.
Scott:And so this was supposed to be like sixth night or 12th
Jenn:12th night, which if you do the 12 days of Christmas, it starts
Jenn:Christmas day and then the 12 days after, so it's 12th night, which is
Jenn:January 6th when they're married,
Scott:saying in the, in the, this little play.
Scott:12th night.
Jenn:12th night of Christmas thanksgiving is more like a
Jenn:celebration of thankfulness and you're thanking people who worked for you.
Jenn:And so really it's for children and for servants.
Jenn:. Really.
Jenn:You take, you buy gifts for children and you make sure you're, you,
Jenn:you kind of give your servants like you're, they're yearly.
Jenn:Thank you.
Jenn:It's not really, maybe adults would, would give a, something small, you
Jenn:know, like this is for Christmas, but they really didn't do that.
Jenn:It was mostly like,
Scott:think that that setting kind of really helped this particular play because
Scott:he was Colonel Washington at the time.
Scott:So he was younger, right?
Scott:So this was celebrating their first year of, of marriage.
Scott:And they talk about Martha's finally feeling better and she's
Scott:like, well, did you do this?
Scott:Did you do this?
Scott:Did you do this?
Scott:And she touched naming off all these things and he, he.
Scott:Fires right back and not being mean, but just saying like, oh yes, I
Scott:did this and here's how I did it.
Scott:Oh, you mean that, and he's talking about all the stuff that he did, and then they,
Scott:they kind of have the interplay of, you know, a young married couple and Yeah.
Scott:But it was, it was interesting all the things that he did during that time.
Jenn:He, he got, I think he got her book.
Jenn:and then he was like going through her book and then making sure all the things
Jenn:that she wanted to get done, giving people their presents and stuff for Christmas.
Jenn:And taking care of the children and making sure their children got away.
Jenn:You know, cuz they hadn't had the measles then she kind of felt it unneeded.
Jenn:Because she's like, well, you're able to do all of this.
Jenn:I'm unneeded.
Scott:And they, I mean they, without going too far into that aspect of it, they went
Scott:down into the, the married couple role.
Scott:But they did a great job.
Scott:And the, the actress, the.
Scott:I, I assume that's what we would call her, who plays Martha Washington is
Scott:She's so good.
Scott:We've seen her a couple
Jenn:We've seen her a couple times.
Jenn:She knows her primary sources.
Jenn:So she's pulling lines and she's saying things from primary sources,
Jenn:primary letters and documents that were written about Martha Washington.
Jenn:So we're recalling like her childhood.
Jenn:And where she grew up, and her father and her brothers and sisters
Scott:yeah, so, so all that to say when you go to Colonial Williamsburg during
Scott:Christmas, they have other plays, other things that they're putting on that they
Scott:don't normally put on throughout the year.
Scott:That was definitely one of those things that are worth it.
Jenn:And then the other one we saw was a Charles Dickens
Scott:that one I don't think we talked about on the
Scott:But it was neat.
Scott:They were playing old instruments.
Scott:They would read pieces from Charles, different dickens, different works.
Scott:And they would read it.
Scott:I appreciated the way that they read it because it really brought out
Scott:his writing style and the, and the.
Scott:that of the era.
Scott:And then that, and then they would play these traditional interns.
Scott:It was really neat.
Jenn:They had colonial instruments that Charles Dickens would've seen
Jenn:being played if he was alive at the time, and they, they can play them.
Jenn:And then they sang older Christmas carols and like invited us
Jenn:to join them, which was neat.
Jenn:And then they really, they focused a lot on a Christmas
Jenn:Carol and Fie Wings, winks calves,
Scott:Yeah, it was.
Jenn:And how ca male, men's calves were like the most attractive part of the male
Scott:They, they highlighted that they, the actors, the, the musicians did a good
Scott:job of kind of really emphasizing some of these more humorous parts of his writings.
Jenn:It was great.
Scott:those shows are tons of fun.
Scott:Now Mo so it was market, then we did some shows and then if you just go
Scott:down to the traditional kind of main drag of Colonial Williamsburg, we
Scott:started kind of down near the ice rink.
Jenn:Yeah, so we show what does Williamsburg would look like at Christmas
Jenn:time and a lot of the decoration, cuz that's what you're gonna see that's
Jenn:different is all the wreaths and the garlands that are on the doors
Jenn:and, and banisters and it's a lot.
Jenn:And I talk about what are they decorating with and it's a lot of like a natural.
Jenn:Food sources and plant life because they're gonna decorate with what they can
Jenn:find locally as they can gather and make in their kitchens and they can kind of
Jenn:string together branches and pine cones.
Jenn:And I talk about the oysters.
Scott:And, and that was one of the things that I actually kind of like about
Scott:our video that I bet you won't see on a lot of kind of similar kind of videos.
Scott:If someone goes and talks about Colonial Williamsburg and Christmas you can
Scott:kind of walk around and just look at these decorations on the doors.
Scott:It's like, oh, cool decoration.
Scott:Jen, , you did a good job of really saying, here's why these doors
Scott:are decorated in this manner.
Scott:Because people would look at 'em and you could tell they were kind of doing double
Scott:takes or looking longer because there'd be a wreath with like a big circle of apples.
Scott:You're like, why is there a big circle of apples on there?
Scott:And you explained that.
Jenn:So it, like I told you, the Christmas in colonial times
Jenn:is a lot like thanksgiving.
Jenn:So you're, you're showing your thankfulness, you're showing your
Jenn:appreciation for your abundance.
Jenn:So if you had a good crop, Or you had a good you know, harvest, harvest of apples,
Jenn:you're gonna take those and decorate with them and to show a, you know, how well
Jenn:you did and to be thankful for next year.
Scott:the perfect example was the first place winner one that we, that
Scott:we showed the bread and the wheat.
Jenn:So the, yeah, the winner is beautiful and they made a basket
Jenn:of bread with wheat beside it.
Jenn:And so it's, again, they're showing, they're giving thanks for to God,
Jenn:you know, cuz it's Christmas.
Jenn:So they're being thankful for, and their religion for the.
Jenn:Basically the new year and the 12 days of Christmas, we did interact
Jenn:with an interact with a Reenactor.
Jenn:The Attorney General of
Scott:Yeah, we didn't talk about that in the video, so, so this is
Scott:more special for the podcast and
Jenn:So I told him Happy Christmas.
Jenn:And he goes, it's a little early for that.
Jenn:And I said, oh, when would you say it?
Jenn:And he goes, you would say it on Christmas day and then the 12 days after Christmas.
Jenn:Cuz we, we were there for my birthday.
Jenn:The 9th of December.
Jenn:So that was early, he said, and then he asked, who do I have
Jenn:the pleasure of speaking with?
Jenn:And I said, well, his commander in the rural Navy , because it's 8 17 60.
Jenn:So this is like British Navy,
Scott:British Times.
Jenn:so royal navy.
Jenn:So he was very, very, he wanted to talk about that.
Jenn:He's like, oh, the royal Navy
Scott:He like tipped his hat to me and Yes.
Scott:Then he started asking us about this
Jenn:This captain, yeah.
Jenn:Who wanted to date his daughters
Scott:He's like, do you by chance, do you know Captain Parker?
Scott:You know of the Royal Navy?
Scott:And I told him I kind of.
Scott:Played along.
Scott:I was like, well, I'm relatively new, to the area, so he starts talking
Scott:about this captain who's like pursuing his daughters because of his position.
Scott:And so it was very entertaining.
Scott:He, and he kind of went right into it, like he walked by us and yeah.
Scott:And then just kind of started chatting us up.
Jenn:So I, that's one of the things I really love about Colonial
Jenn:Williamsburg is the Interactors.
Jenn:So that goes into our amazing dinner.
Scott:So that goes into our amazing dinner.
Scott:That, so we had dinner with Martha and George Washington
Jenn:So the same actors who played in the play or earlier were Martha had
Jenn:played Martha and George for our dinner.
Jenn:Now they were 10 years later, wasn't it like 1770?
Scott:69 or something like that.
Jenn:And so at that time, George is getting out of the military.
Jenn:The seven years war just happened.
Jenn:So the French and Indian War, he hates the French.
Scott:but they're, they're dressed for a ball.
Scott:They're dressed for a ball, and there actually is.
Scott:So in Colonial Williamsburg, that's one of the things you
Scott:could have gotten tickets for.
Scott:Thank you for not doing that because I, I would've felt incredibly awkward.
Scott:But we, we were chatting with a couple across from us.
Scott:They actually.
Scott:They took, they finished the dinner and they ended up going
Scott:to this, this, to this ball.
Scott:But they were dressed, I was actually really impressed by their whole garb.
Scott:I mean, he had this full on white colonial jacket, jacket, kind of
Scott:the thread uniform style suit.
Scott:, and then her gown was,
Jenn:So like the, the two piece gown with the hoops Yeah.
Jenn:On the side, like a very French, very bridger tin with the feathers
Jenn:hair up with the feathers.
Jenn:And there she was wearing a powdered wig.
Jenn:He was not, he's still young George.
Jenn:And George, I don't think George Washington ever
Jenn:wore a wig, if I'm correct.
Jenn:His hair went white.
Jenn:And that was always just his hair.
Jenn:He never, I don't think he ever wore a wig.
Scott:would, they would come in and out during dinner.
Scott:So they kind of, the courses would be brought out for us.
Scott:This is, this was her birthday, so this was, this is not
Scott:cheap . But it was really cool.
Scott:We ended up having a grand time.
Scott:And they would kind of come in and out and talk about the different
Scott:things that were going on.
Scott:Interact with us a little bit, let let people ask
Scott:It was, it was actually a ton of fun.
Jenn:and the meal we were served was the menu.
Jenn:If you watch Hamilton.
Jenn:Thomas Jefferson talks about having the dinner with Hamilton and Madison
Jenn:when they decide where to put the capitol, and he is like, I picked
Jenn:the menu, the venue, the seating.
Jenn:That was
Scott:The whole song.
Scott:The room where
Jenn:where it happened, the room where it happened when no one knows what happened
Jenn:inside the room, but everyone knows where and what they ate and who was there.
Jenn:We ate what they
Scott:So that,
Jenn:recreated that
Scott:It says it right on the menu.
Scott:This is the menu that thomas Jefferson had, you know, for this, for this
Jenn:Hamilton and Madison.
Jenn:So it was good.
Jenn:It was like a greens and then it was like ham wrapped in bacon.
Scott:And then some like roast beef
Jenn:type and then a roast beef and then like a pastry with ice cream.
Jenn:And then they served
Scott:There was a lot of wine.
Jenn:It's a lot of wine.
Jenn:. And then we finished up with a witch trial.
Jenn:So we saw, so if you look at our video of Grace Sherwood, the witch
Jenn:who was ducked in Virginia, the last witch child of Virginia, they do her
Jenn:witch trial at Colonial Williamsburg.
Jenn:Because it's so close.
Jenn:And it is, it's, it's famous.
Jenn:It's famous.
Jenn:Pretty famous.
Jenn:And they allow you to interact in the witch
Scott:They, yeah.
Scott:So during, they have the trial, so you actually get to walk into.
Scott:. It wasn't like the, the main courthouse, it was a different
Jenn:It was the Capitol building
Scott:The Capitol building courthouse.
Scott:So you get to walk in there and there's probably 20 or 30 people in there.
Scott:And so we're all listening and they have Reenacters coming in that
Scott:are actually acting out this whole court case, and people are saying,
Scott:oh, she's a witch because she'd be witched, me and my pigs died and it's
Scott:her fault, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Scott:And then they, they let the, the townspeople ask questions.
Jenn:Like we're all gentlemen.
Jenn:Because no women would really be there.
Jenn:So he says, you're all gentlemen for this evening.
Jenn:And to be a person who gets to decide a vote in this time period, this is 1709 or
Scott:Yeah, it's much, much earlier, way before Washington and all
Jenn:You have to be male, you have to be white, you have to.
Jenn:Over 20 and you have to be a landowner to be able to vote.
Jenn:So that's, that was what he said.
Jenn:We all were.
Jenn:And so we were allowed to ask questions and we were allowed to kind of interact.
Jenn:But it was so funny.
Jenn:Scott was like, your pigs died.
Jenn:She's a witch.
Jenn:And honestly, we, we both kept saying, witch, let's get outta here.
Scott:It, it was, it was, it was again, a surprising amount of fun.
Scott:So, so that was kind of the first day.
Scott:The next day when we came back, we took the kids through the Christmas market.
Scott:So one of the, the cool things, if you end up going and it's again the
Scott:first three Saturdays in December from five to 7:00 PM but get there
Scott:a little bit earlier cuz there's gonna be a lot, lot of people there.
Scott:Not anywhere, but.
Scott:Quarter to five.
Scott:So at 4:45 PM they start the initial actual proclamation from
Scott:the main courthouse on that main street, the Duke of Glo Street.
Scott:And so they actually had, we were kind of standing there, we start walking
Scott:over to the courthouse and I was just trying to get some pictures and all
Scott:of a sudden about like 40, you know, young men dressed, with like fivesome
Scott:drums, all of a sudden they come out and they just line up in front.
Scott:I'm like, oh, great.
Scott:So if you see in the video, I'm right up front.
Scott:That wasn't planned.
Scott:I, I, that was just kind of a stroke of luck I got right up front.
Scott:And they start doing, like, they were very organized.
Scott:They were.
Scott:I was surprised at how good they
Jenn:They were very good.
Jenn:And they do a proclamation
Scott:do a proclamation and then they kind of break it up.
Scott:So if you watch our video, that's that very first shot.
Scott:And then we, we reintroduce it a little bit later, but you hang out
Scott:there for about 15 minutes while they're kind of putting on their show.
Scott:And then from there, they end up marching around to all these
Scott:different spots around the.
Scott:The bigger buildings in Colonial Williamsburg, and they do
Scott:various proclamations all around.
Scott:We didn't see all of them because there was multiple ones going on in different
Jenn:there's a lot of people.
Jenn:So a lot of people and people will be camped out on the Palace
Jenn:Green to get a good view of the.
Jenn:So it's kind of hard to kind of navigate around the Palace Green, but
Jenn:we were able to see the bells in front.
Jenn:I think it was William and Mary.
Scott:So, so William and Mary, right.
Scott:The the college is, is right down the way.
Jenn:and then we saw like the glee club.
Scott:There was some sort of glee club or some acapella group.
Scott:It's in the video.
Scott:Again, some church kind of put on like a whole show with like, they were
Scott:actually playing Christmas songs, but with like these various sized bells,
Scott:and then at 7:00 PM we get to see the fireworks.
Jenn:and the fireworks was so cool.
Jenn:But we'll, let me make a recommendation to you.
Jenn:If you go and do this and you're hungry.
Jenn:There will be food booths that are like more well known that have long lines.
Jenn:But I think for this grand illumination, there'll be certain organizations
Jenn:that do little pop-up food booths.
Scott:Or just like, they're almost more
Scott:We were waiting in this super
Jenn:Go to those
Scott:We were waiting in this super long line, for, to get something made.
Scott:And I just kinda look across the way and it looks like you, it's later in the
Scott:evening and I just kind of zip over there and it's stuff that they had pre-heated,
Scott:pre-made or whatever like that.
Scott:But if you're just traipsing around and you'd ha probably with that many people
Scott:down there, you're gonna have a hard time getting into any of the restaurants.
Scott:So bring food.
Scott:That was definitely kind of a, a good hack for us.
Scott:If you don't, if you don't bring food with you, look around a little bit because you,
Scott:you don't have to wait in a super long
Jenn:got corn dogs for all of us and some pretzels, pretzels.
Jenn:And we were fine and we didn't have to wait.
Jenn:And the, by the time we were done eating the place I was in line, still
Jenn:hadn't gotten to the front window yet.
Scott:And there's tons of people ice skating right down
Scott:there in the heart of Colonial Williamsburg, which is really cool.
Scott:And just, they don't have, one thing that I thought they were
Scott:gonna have that they didn't was actually Christmas style lights.
Scott:I thought they were actually gonna have lights on the buildings.
Scott:That's not what it was.
Scott:Which actually I appreciated after the fact because it, it felt more
Scott:colonial, more, more a little bit like you were walking back in.
Scott:Without that.
Scott:So that was my initial expectation.
Scott:But I wasn't disappointed when I didn't see that.
Scott:I just didn't know what to expect.
Scott:And these proclamations were pretty fun because they would be, you know,
Scott:reading whatever the proclamation is and they would lead like three cheers,
Scott:you know, and they hip, hip hazah.
Scott:So everybody said, like our oldest, you'll hear 'em, he's like saying, ha.
Scott:So it was, it was a ton of fun.
Scott:And we ended up sitting on the Palace Green.
Jenn:sat on the grass and then we found
Scott:a spot.
Scott:We just found a random spot.
Scott:It wasn't so crowded that you couldn't do that.
Jenn:I think now because I break it up into the three
Jenn:nights that it's not as crowded.
Jenn:Like, like I said, the first three Saturdays of December
Jenn:five to seven because they break it up, it's not as crowded.
Jenn:And again, we wouldn't have known about it unless we went to that veterans center and
Jenn:he told us, you should come back tomorrow.
Scott:We had kind of initially brushed it off, we're like, ah, maybe.
Scott:And he kind of kept talking it up
Jenn:like, no, you'll wanna see this.
Jenn:This is a big deal.
Jenn:And we're like, and then I think I, we saw some video and I
Jenn:said, maybe this is a big deal.
Jenn:Let's go check it out.
Jenn:And it was, it was worth It
Scott:was worth it.
Scott:And it's worth it.
Scott:And it's nice because you could do fireworks at 7:00 PM It's already dark.
Scott:You're done by seven 20.
Scott:Like we live about 45 minutes away.
Scott:, we're home by eight 30.
Scott:it wasn't bad at
Jenn:Yeah, it was great with kids, cuz usually for 4th of July you have
Jenn:to stay up late with your kids because the sun doesn't go down till late.
Jenn:But because the sun sets so early, it was, it was pitch black and perfect,
Scott:but it, again, it was as a ton of fun and with those torches lining
Scott:the streets and with the fireworks, it just, it, it felt so much more
Scott:colonial with that back in time, like you're walking back in time because
Scott:it's not very often throughout the year where they actually light all of those
Scott:torches because, Ba basically I have someone watching each and every single
Scott:to make sure grass doesn't catch on fire.
Scott:So it was, it was an absolute blast and I highly recommend
Scott:it to anybody that wants to
Jenn:I highly recommend it too.
Jenn:And since watching this, since doing that, I was, it was been brought to
Jenn:my attention that Perry Komo filmed a special in Williamsburg in the seventies.
Jenn:I think it's probably as old as me, , cuz I was born in 77 and I
Jenn:think it was filmed in 77 because his special guest is John Wayne.
Jenn:And John Wayne passes away the year I was born.
Jenn:So, A couple years after I was born.
Jenn:So, I'm going to do a whole talk with history about what it looks
Jenn:like today compared to that video and if you wanna see more of what.
Jenn:Colonial Williamsburg looked like back then with Perry Commo, who
Jenn:is actually from my hometown in Pennsylvania and the Duke, who I love.
Jenn:Check it out.
Jenn:It's on YouTube, but I will, I'm gonna commentate it on
Scott:yeah, I gotta, I gotta figure out how to do that so that it may
Scott:be a little bit I'll, I'll give it a shot over our Christmas break.
Scott:We'll see if we can put something together,
Jenn:it's very cool.
Jenn:And Christmasy as well.
Scott:Well, for those who are watching and for those who are listening, thank you
Scott:so much for listening to the Talk With History podcast and please reach out to
Scott:us at our website, talk with history.com.
Scott:But more importantly, if you know someone else that might enjoy this podcast or the
Scott:video version, please share it with them.
Scott:And especially if you think that they would enjoy something about
Scott:Colonial Williamsburg, shoot 'em a text and tell 'em to look us up.
Scott:We rely on you, our community to grow, and we appreciate y'all every day.
Scott:Talk to you next time.