Episode 12
Movie Stars in Arlington National Cemetery (Part 2)
Arlington National Cemetery has so much history and so many stories to tell...we have visited multiple times, with two YouTube videos, and we still have only scratched the surface.
While there, we decided to visit the gravesites of presidents, movie stars, world-famous athletes, and people who impacted Jenn's life and helped inspire her military service.
🚕 Google Map to Arlington National Cemetery
Visit Arlington National Cemetery: https://www.arlingtoncemetery.mil
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Speaker:greetings and welcome to the talk with
Speaker:History Podcast I am your host Scott
Speaker:here with my wife and historian Jen
Speaker:on this podcast we talk about history's
Speaker:continuing impact on us and our personal
Speaker:journey through YouTube as we continue
Speaker:to explore record and share our history
Speaker:walks with you
Speaker:now Jen
Speaker:normally we would be doing a five-star
Speaker:question or review of the week but we've
Speaker:taken a little bit of time off from the
Speaker:holidays and we're getting back into it
Speaker:so I want to give a quick shout out to
Speaker:one of our podcast listeners and he shot
Speaker:us an email said hey when are the when's
Speaker:the podcast coming back out so thank you
Speaker:to Doug mcliberty yes thank you and
Speaker:we're hoping we can sync up with him
Speaker:sometime in the future so quick shout
Speaker:out and thank you to Doug
Speaker:now we left off with what I'm going to
Speaker:call Arlington part one
Speaker:and we are moving on to Arlington part
Speaker:and we left it with some follow-up yes
Speaker:so you and I bantered about the tomb and
Speaker:the unknown and the guard yes and I
Speaker:believe that I said I thought the guard
Speaker:changed every hour and you were saying
Speaker:every 20 minutes and we discovered it
Speaker:was actually we were both right yes so
Speaker:we discovered that actually in the
Speaker:um from April 1st to September 30th they
Speaker:actually do change every 30 minutes
Speaker:and then in the winter October 1st to
Speaker:March 31st they change every hour and
Speaker:that's during regular working hours
Speaker:after Arlington closes
Speaker:at 7 pm in the summer months and 5 p.m
Speaker:in the winter months they actually
Speaker:change every two hours
Speaker:so it is it is man 24 hours and it has
Speaker:been manned for 24 hours since 1937.
Speaker:I actually looked that up uh it they
Speaker:started guarding the Tomb in 1926
Speaker:so about 11 years later they started
Speaker:with 24 hours
Speaker:um guarding but we do the the 21 seconds
Speaker:is still 21 steps 21 seconds that all is
Speaker:still the same um and because it's the
Speaker:highest honor in the military the 21 gun
Speaker:salute right and I think that's
Speaker:something that Doug had actually
Speaker:mentioned us in his email too so
Speaker:um again we mentioned it briefly we'll
Speaker:cover it a little bit more right this
Speaker:was the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is
Speaker:like a memorial to everybody who never
Speaker:made it home yes
Speaker:um so we just wanted to kind of finish
Speaker:up with a follow-up and
Speaker:there are a couple things that I saw as
Speaker:well the weapon will always be facing
Speaker:the crowd
Speaker:and they do that to signify it's guarded
Speaker:oh interesting and it's only unknown
Speaker:soldiers from World War One World War II
Speaker:and Korea
Speaker:they had an unknown soldier from Vietnam
Speaker:but they were actually able to identify
Speaker:him oh interesting and his family wanted
Speaker:him to come home oh I had no idea oh wow
Speaker:so just those conflicts what were One
Speaker:World War II in Korea oh how interesting
Speaker:um so Jen you know now that we've kind
Speaker:of kind of uh done that follow-up
Speaker:once you tell us who we're going to
Speaker:start off talking about today well I
Speaker:really wanted to talk about Medgar Evers
Speaker:he's somebody who was very influential
Speaker:to me
Speaker:and I was very honored to visit him in
Speaker:Arlington he is part of the tour so when
Speaker:you take the tram tour they will
Speaker:point out Medgar Evers grave
Speaker:and it is right off the main path so
Speaker:it's easy to find he does have a lot of
Speaker:stones or people have left some kind of
Speaker:memorial marker that they visited yeah
Speaker:so who is remind me who makers so Medgar
Speaker:Evers was just so influential in the
Speaker:NAACP that's right it was so we do a
Speaker:very good three-part series on Emmett
Speaker:Till and Medgar Evers was so
Speaker:instrumental in getting some of those
Speaker:Witnesses during the Emmett Till trial
Speaker:that's right he came in with the NAACP
Speaker:and they
Speaker:went out into the fields and they just
Speaker:like sharecroppers and started to ask
Speaker:questions and they were able to get
Speaker:witnesses to come forward and
Speaker:basically tell the truth of what
Speaker:happened that night and without their
Speaker:work a lot of that story never would
Speaker:have been uncovered so Medgar Evers
Speaker:he was in World War II he
Speaker:does not graduate from high school he
Speaker:joins the war before he graduates oh wow
Speaker:and he's actually in Normandy uh until
Speaker:June of 1944 he comes home finishes high
Speaker:school goes to college and then he
Speaker:starts the NAACP chapters in 1954 right
Speaker:after Brown versus the Board of
Speaker:Education which is the desegregation of
Speaker:schools right and so he's very
Speaker:instrumental in in fighting for that he
Speaker:starts boycotting restrooms in
Speaker:Mississippi that have segregated
Speaker:restrooms they boycott and they don't
Speaker:boycott the restrooms they boycott the
Speaker:gas stations or any place of business
Speaker:that has segregated restrooms he starts
Speaker:to really fight for that unfortunately
Speaker:he is murdered in his driveway while his
Speaker:children are home June 12 1963 and
Speaker:he gets full military honors he's buried
Speaker:in Arlington his wife is still alive he
Speaker:actually has a Navy ship named after him
Speaker:I think I knew that they finally did
Speaker:convict his murderer in 1994.
Speaker:but he's just somebody he just did a lot
Speaker:of anti-lynching work especially with
Speaker:Emmett Till and because that's the work
Speaker:that I did with my Master's Degree I
Speaker:just really always looked up to Medgar
Speaker:Evers and he lived in Jackson
Speaker:so to be able to visit his grave in
Speaker:Arlington was just an honor for me yeah
Speaker:now was his one of the ones that was
Speaker:right next to someone else
Speaker:no he's kind of off to the right when
Speaker:you first get there and you first drive
Speaker:he's off to the right kind of by Taft I
Speaker:would say but in the President Taft area
Speaker:yes okay it's Taft is still across the
Speaker:main road
Speaker:Medgar Evers is right off like you could
Speaker:probably not even get off the tram you
Speaker:could probably see it from the tram okay
Speaker:and then uh so we did do a quick drive
Speaker:by of President Taft's we did so
Speaker:President Taft is the first president to
Speaker:be buried in Arlington he's the 27th
Speaker:president I didn't realize he was the
Speaker:very first very first because there's
Speaker:only two presidents in Arlington Taft
Speaker:and Trinity yeah and so Taft is
Speaker:in section 30 and he his wife is there
Speaker:too so Taft's wife is is instrumental in
Speaker:getting the cherry blossoms that's
Speaker:capacity she's the one who helps plant
Speaker:the cherry blossoms and not just like in
Speaker:Arlington but all around Washington DC
Speaker:yes with the Japanese Ambassador yeah
Speaker:they do it together yeah and and for
Speaker:folks if you've never been to Washington
Speaker:DC which uh there I I would I will posit
Speaker:that a lot of people have been if you're
Speaker:listening to this it's highly likely
Speaker:that you have been but if you've never
Speaker:been that's a great time of year to try
Speaker:and go
Speaker:um I was lucky enough to go to school in
Speaker:the in the greater DC area
Speaker:um not too far away anyways and uh
Speaker:the the cherry blossoms and actually our
Speaker:when we were out there it was cherry
Speaker:blossom season because we we did yeah
Speaker:you can see this cherry blossoms yeah
Speaker:there's cherry blossoms at Arlington and
Speaker:we also did like the Washington mall and
Speaker:all that stuff yeah the blossoms yes
Speaker:yeah so that the cherry blossoms was was
Speaker:pretty cool what's neat is Taft has a
Speaker:very unique memorial marker and his was
Speaker:made by a man named Frasier and Frasier
Speaker:is a pretty famous DC sculptor he's also
Speaker:he did Robert Todd Lincoln's sarcophagus
Speaker:he does the sculptor of
Speaker:Benjamin Franklin at the Franklin
Speaker:Institute is done by Frasier the the
Speaker:picture the statue of Theodore Roosevelt
Speaker:on the horse in front of the American
Speaker:History Museum that was just removed
Speaker:that was done by Frasier he did the two
Speaker:justices in front of the Supreme Court
Speaker:that was made by Frasier the Alexander
Speaker:Hamilton in front of the treasury so
Speaker:he's wow so he's he's done quite a bit
Speaker:he's pretty famous sculptor of DC so he
Speaker:has Taft and he has done Robert Todd
Speaker:Lincoln both in Arlington
Speaker:yeah so now Robert Todd Lincoln yes that
Speaker:that one was an interesting one because
Speaker:to kind of set the stage here
Speaker:right we had we had already done like
Speaker:the Washington Mall tour so obviously
Speaker:the Lincoln Memorial is a big thing and
Speaker:we had done we had recorded already
Speaker:recorded the Lincoln assassination video
Speaker:um we hadn't published it yet
Speaker:but when we when you started telling me
Speaker:about Robert Todd Lincoln
Speaker:talk about someone who has was around
Speaker:like physically in locations for key
Speaker:points throughout American history so
Speaker:tell us a little bit about Robert I like
Speaker:it uh Robert Todd Lincoln is the oldest
Speaker:son of Abraham Lincoln and Mary Todd
Speaker:Lincoln and actually it's the only son
Speaker:who survives because all three of their
Speaker:their children will meet an early end at
Speaker:different times one dies before he's in
Speaker:office one dies after he's during office
Speaker:one dies after office so did you talk
Speaker:about Abraham Abraham Lincoln yeah so
Speaker:Robert Todd
Speaker:he's just I think I learned more about
Speaker:him being in locations after I worked at
Speaker:the James Garfield house because I
Speaker:worked at the James Garfield house in
Speaker:Ohio James Garfield was the 20th
Speaker:president but also the second president
Speaker:to be assassinated and
Speaker:there's also there's four presidents
Speaker:who've been assassinated Abraham Lincoln
Speaker:James Garfield
Speaker:President William McKinley and John F
Speaker:and Robert Todd Lincoln
Speaker:with has a presence in the first three
Speaker:yeah and literally physically either
Speaker:where it happens when it happened or
Speaker:obviously there was his father and he
Speaker:was at his father's side so when his
Speaker:father is shot he's actually home at the
Speaker:white house because he had just traveled
Speaker:back from Appomattox he was at the
Speaker:surrender of the Civil War and Lincoln
Speaker:has killed just within days of that
Speaker:surrender and Robert Todd had just
Speaker:traveled home on a wagon he was tired
Speaker:his parents went to the theater his
Speaker:brother goes to the theater he stays
Speaker:home and when he hears that his father's
Speaker:been shot he makes sure his brother gets
Speaker:home and then he goes to the
Speaker:The Boarding House the Peterson boarding
Speaker:house and he's with his father when he
Speaker:when James Garfield is President James
Speaker:Garfield makes him his Secretary of War
Speaker:and he's with him James Garfield is
Speaker:going to the train station to convalesce
Speaker:with his wife who is recovering from
Speaker:sickness and where was he again do you
Speaker:see okay it's in Washington DC so it's
Speaker:at the train station in DC it's now
Speaker:where the I think it's the National
Speaker:Portrait Gallery is there now that's
Speaker:right where the marker is and there's
Speaker:only two little markers on the mall that
Speaker:kind of tell you that Garfield was
Speaker:assassinated here there's no Mark yeah
Speaker:what actually happened would be on the
Speaker:road and so they they think it'd be
Speaker:dangerous for tourists to know exactly
Speaker:where it would be because they would run
Speaker:out into the road but in our Garfield
Speaker:video we cut to that yeah so we talk
Speaker:about that a little bit because there
Speaker:are people who are upset that Garfield
Speaker:has no recognition of that but Robert
Speaker:Todd Lincoln was with him at the train
Speaker:station he was taking him on the train
Speaker:like and someone jumped out and Yeah
Speaker:Charles Godot shoots him and Robert Todd
Speaker:Lincoln I think he's instrumental in
Speaker:getting the gun away and I think he
Speaker:testifies as well in gudo's trial but
Speaker:he's there so that's number two that's
Speaker:number two and then McKinley which who's
Speaker:in Buffalo New York for the Pan American
Speaker:Exposition he's greeting people in the
Speaker:Hall of music and he's standing outside
Speaker:the door he's there with him and he's
Speaker:standing outside the door when he's shot
Speaker:by shalgas and so Robert Lincoln just I
Speaker:think we we kind of make fun of it but
Speaker:he also refuses any formal invitation
Speaker:after the future yeah in the future he's
Speaker:basically like listen guys you don't
Speaker:want me around presidents because for
Speaker:some reason they tend to get shy
Speaker:he is seeing he does do he does come to
Speaker:another public event when the Lincoln
Speaker:Memorial is dedicated and actually it's
Speaker:Taft who dedicates it oh wow yeah that's
Speaker:right and he does he does
Speaker:um he is present for that so he
Speaker:yeah it comes out of hiding he risks it
Speaker:sure and everything seems goes okay but
Speaker:he's buried in Arlington with his wife
Speaker:and his son his son dies young as well
Speaker:and they're in a sarcophagus all
Speaker:together it's kind of that's another one
Speaker:that's kind of a path off to the side
Speaker:that's where I'm breathing heavy because
Speaker:it's hard to find it's off to the side
Speaker:and it's kind of guarded with a lot of
Speaker:trees and shrouds so you have to really
Speaker:know where it is
Speaker:and uh but it's it's it's beautiful the
Speaker:sarcophagus is beautiful and it has his
Speaker:name on one side and his wife and son
Speaker:yeah and learning the history around him
Speaker:was was super super interesting
Speaker:especially him being present for 75
Speaker:percent of the in assassinations of
Speaker:presidential assassinations in our
Speaker:history we also talk about that when
Speaker:Arlington has actually paid for in full
Speaker:America has given the money to the Lee
Speaker:family to actually own it outright it's
Speaker:Robert Todd Lincoln that gets the actual
Speaker:Deed from them because at the time he's
Speaker:again the Secretary of War so he gets
Speaker:that deed so it's very interesting that
Speaker:he receives that deed for the cemetery
Speaker:that basically starts because of the
Speaker:Civil War that his father was President
Speaker:yeah I mean he had he had some pretty
Speaker:key roles he was he's a larger character
Speaker:in history in our history than I think a
Speaker:lot of people realize yes and he's
Speaker:depicted as a Joseph Gordon-Levitt oh
Speaker:that's right Lincoln yeah yeah and you
Speaker:love you love Joseph Gordon I do I think
Speaker:he's a great actor and I think he does a
Speaker:very good job of playing him and showing
Speaker:that kind of conflict where he wants to
Speaker:fights he wants to join the war he wants
Speaker:to be a help to his father but his
Speaker:father you know they've lost children
Speaker:his mother is very frail mentally and so
Speaker:Lincoln wants to also keep him safe and
Speaker:protect him as well so
Speaker:there's kind of that conflict that's
Speaker:going on in Robert Todd's life
Speaker:especially taking care of his mother he
Speaker:will take care of his mother until she
Speaker:dies so but if you ever see Lincoln I
Speaker:think it's a great depiction of the 16th
Speaker:president yeah yeah that's a good one so
Speaker:who's uh who who are we visiting after
Speaker:so I definitely wanted to we'd go to
Speaker:Glenn Miller's grave that was a cool one
Speaker:so I am a huge Glenn Miller fan I used
Speaker:to listen to his music in college while
Speaker:I would study and it was just an honor
Speaker:to visit his grave now he has a memorial
Speaker:he doesn't actually have a grave there
Speaker:are a couple memorials since his body
Speaker:was never recovered his body was never
Speaker:recovered and they don't actually
Speaker:they they don't actually know quite what
Speaker:happened wasn't he like traveling by air
Speaker:and lost over they lost contact with
Speaker:their plane so more most more than
Speaker:likely most likely it crashed in the
Speaker:water yeah and you I think you do a
Speaker:pretty good job about talking in the
Speaker:video of like hey you know he was
Speaker:traveling around Europe yes he did 35
Speaker:bases in one month so Glenn Miller goes
Speaker:into the military as a musician because
Speaker:he's too old to fight he's 40. and so
Speaker:they come in for morale play for the
Speaker:troops in World War II more than happy
Speaker:to do that yes World War II and
Speaker:he loves that so he's going around and
Speaker:Glenn Miller at the time you have to
Speaker:realize he was like a best-selling
Speaker:recording artist from 1939 to 1942. in
Speaker:four years he had 16 number one hits
Speaker:holy cow so if you think in the mood
Speaker:Moonlight Serenade yeah well and there's
Speaker:it's funny you mentioned Glenn Miller
Speaker:because even for me I don't know if I've
Speaker:ever mentioned this to you before for me
Speaker:when my youngest Years A lot of people
Speaker:who know me personally I was a gymnast
Speaker:all growing up and actually in my very
Speaker:first gymnastics center in central
Speaker:California we would go around and
Speaker:perform for schools and that was one of
Speaker:the songs was a Glenn Miller song oh
Speaker:really it was a it was very like big
Speaker:band right you know very big band type
Speaker:style and there's a bunch of you know
Speaker:kids doing gymnastics and stuff like
Speaker:that so so we would do something like
Speaker:um and also one of the things I think
Speaker:that attached you to Glenn Miller if I
Speaker:remember right was Jimmy Stewart yes
Speaker:played him in a movie it's fantastic if
Speaker:you've never seen The Glenn Miller Story
Speaker:1950 three Jimmy Stewart plays him and I
Speaker:think Jimmy Stewart even learned how to
Speaker:play some instruments to play him
Speaker:because Glenn Glenn Miller played a
Speaker:couple different instruments including
Speaker:the trombone and the piano and I just
Speaker:think he looks like him he kind of
Speaker:embodies the character very well and
Speaker:it's just a great story great depiction
Speaker:when we go to the when we went to the
Speaker:Jimmy Stewart Museum they had his
Speaker:costume yeah that's right from that
Speaker:movie so if you get a chance to check
Speaker:that out that was really neat but yeah
Speaker:it was a foggy day December 15 1944 he
Speaker:was this kind of came out later but he
Speaker:was trying to rush to get to a party for
Speaker:Eisenhower because Eisenhower just was
Speaker:getting promoted and it was cold and
Speaker:they think that they froze the fuel
Speaker:intakes and they think they crashed in
Speaker:the English Channel yeah so another
Speaker:interesting thing that unless you're you
Speaker:have been in the Navy you may not know
Speaker:this but even today to come into the
Speaker:Navy as a musician isn't incredibly
Speaker:Difficult by today's standards you have
Speaker:to unless you're a singer and you're an
Speaker:out of this world singer which we
Speaker:actually know some yes
Speaker:you actually have to be able to play
Speaker:like two or three instruments oftentimes
Speaker:you need to be able to read music I mean
Speaker:you can't be just a high school hobbyist
Speaker:and come into the Navy as a musician so
Speaker:I think it's kind of neat to hear that
Speaker:you know I don't I'm pretty sure he
Speaker:probably didn't come into the Navy as a
Speaker:musician but he came into the service as
Speaker:a musician because all the services that
Speaker:you know they're musicians and the
Speaker:musicians across all services are
Speaker:incredibly talented so it was cool to
Speaker:see that the Glenn Miller one yeah and
Speaker:this music still stands to test the time
Speaker:and so I I listened to him in college I
Speaker:loved his CD at the time
Speaker:but um another one that's close is Joe
Speaker:so we had talked a little bit about Lee
Speaker:Marvin in the first podcast about
Speaker:Arlington and right beside Lee Marvin is
Speaker:Joe Lewis and you won't miss that marker
Speaker:I mean it's right next to it and it's
Speaker:big and it's pink and it has a depiction
Speaker:of him and bronze in his boxing with his
Speaker:fists up and and it says Joe Lewis on it
Speaker:so you won't miss it it's actually
Speaker:easier to spot the Joe Lewis one than
Speaker:the Lee Marvin one so if you go looking
Speaker:for either of those look for the Joe
Speaker:Lewis one and leave Marvin is is next to
Speaker:that and it's right by the Tomb of the
Speaker:Unknown and I think it's also pointed
Speaker:out on the tram but Joe Lewis uh was a
Speaker:heavyweight champion of the world 1937
Speaker:to 1949 and we we kind of joke about him
Speaker:because of coming to America yes I put a
Speaker:clip in there because that was my first
Speaker:uh introduction to Joe Lewis was coming
Speaker:to America and they're talking about
Speaker:boxers yeah the Eddie Murphy movie if
Speaker:nobody's ever seen it go look it up it's
Speaker:absolutely they're arguing boxes in the
Speaker:barbershop just like old men they're
Speaker:depicting old men like what would old
Speaker:men argue about they're arguing about
Speaker:who is the best boxer of all time right
Speaker:right and of course none of these men
Speaker:some of these men have faced each other
Speaker:but none of them have all faced each
Speaker:other so in time who was the best and
Speaker:Joe Lewis comes up and so his grave is
Speaker:in Arlington because he was in the army
Speaker:during World War II he served from 1942
Speaker:to 1945.
Speaker:he had 25 title fights and like I said
Speaker:he was the heavyweight champion of the
Speaker:he retires and then tries to make a
Speaker:comeback but he's not successful he
Speaker:retires at 51 and then you know just
Speaker:trying to make a comeback after 51. he's
Speaker:understandably not successful but yeah
Speaker:he's buried in Arlington he was from
Speaker:yeah I mean and part of the cool thing
Speaker:for me is someone who doesn't
Speaker:follow a lot of this stuff is is when
Speaker:I'm researching
Speaker:folks like Joe Lewis or Glenn Miller and
Speaker:I'm seeing kind of their their resume
Speaker:right their life in a snapshot I mean
Speaker:guys like Joe Lewis I mean absolutely
Speaker:incredible absolutely and just tough
Speaker:yeah just one of those people who just
Speaker:all around is an overachiever if you can
Speaker:imagine it's like a really tough person
Speaker:but he has
Speaker:we had talked about not all markers in
Speaker:Arlington are the same and it's
Speaker:interesting that how different some are
Speaker:and his is one that is it's it's a pink
Speaker:marble so it is it's just yeah it stands
Speaker:very different yeah no it definitely
Speaker:stands out but when you talk about the
Speaker:differences you know we talk about the
Speaker:two presidents that are there and of
Speaker:course Kennedy's
Speaker:Kennedy's is a big one right the Eternal
Speaker:Flame this is the most visited grave in
Speaker:Arlington and he had visited Arlington a
Speaker:couple months before he died and because
Speaker:you yeah that's right you told me he had
Speaker:he didn't want to be buried there
Speaker:initially well he he just never thought
Speaker:about it he was visiting I mean he was
Speaker:young so he's not thinking about his
Speaker:mortality and he said this I could see
Speaker:myself spending eternity here he says
Speaker:that that's crazy so then when he is
Speaker:assassinated his his wife wants him
Speaker:buried at Arlington and she wants
Speaker:something unique and she had remembered
Speaker:a flame an eternal flame in Greece on
Speaker:one of their visits so she had thought
Speaker:this would be a great way to honor him
Speaker:to give him an eternal flame so Robert I
Speaker:John F Kennedy has an eternal flame
Speaker:right by his grave and he's been moved a
Speaker:couple times because as family have
Speaker:passed they have kind of moved his grave
Speaker:and there are pictures Robert
Speaker:um Robert was Gerald Kennedy yeah I I
Speaker:honestly it's hard for me to keep track
Speaker:of okay I think it's Robert Fitzgerald
Speaker:Kennedy he would be there when they
Speaker:would move his grave at night oh okay so
Speaker:there's pictures you can find of him
Speaker:standing there when they would move his
Speaker:brother's grave and then when Robert is
Speaker:assassinated he's buried there Ted is
Speaker:there of course Jackie O was there
Speaker:um his
Speaker:his children that were that died very
Speaker:young are there but his son JFK Jr is
Speaker:um he was cremated and bear and spread
Speaker:over the ocean okay yeah and the setting
Speaker:of that one right and again I hadn't
Speaker:really known much about it other than he
Speaker:was there
Speaker:um the setting is just it's beautiful
Speaker:it's beautiful it's a beautiful spot to
Speaker:visit it's it's large right it's it's a
Speaker:it's a large space
Speaker:um and especially with when we were
Speaker:there with the uh the cherry blossoms it
Speaker:was it was a cool one to do that's
Speaker:that's a kind of a must visit if you're
Speaker:there it's an honor he's the 35th
Speaker:president and I always you know I always
Speaker:look up to John F Kennedy because he
Speaker:served in the Navy and he has that great
Speaker:line I can always look back on my life
Speaker:with pride and say I served in the
Speaker:United States Navy so I I love that
Speaker:about him
Speaker:we've got more Arlington videos that
Speaker:we've done we we do and we'll do some
Speaker:more videos because we've we went back
Speaker:and we spent more time with more
Speaker:connection to
Speaker:literature and media and other
Speaker:influencers and we've done another video
Speaker:so we'll we'll do another part we'll do
Speaker:some more Arlington podcast but we
Speaker:appreciate everybody uh for sticking
Speaker:with us for this this two-part podcast
Speaker:series on Arlington National Cemetery
Speaker:um and as I said on the last podcast as
Speaker:you can tell by the stories that we've
Speaker:covered and how much we've is there's a
Speaker:talk about we've only scratched the
Speaker:surface and we just mentioned another
Speaker:video that we did with more Larger than
Speaker:Life characters
Speaker:um so thank you again for listening to
Speaker:the talk with History Podcast and please
Speaker:reach out to us at our website talk with
Speaker:history.com but more importantly if you
Speaker:know someone else that might enjoy this
Speaker:podcast please share this share this
Speaker:with them especially if you think that
Speaker:today's topic would interest a friend
Speaker:shoot him a text and tell them to look
Speaker:up talk with History Podcast because we
Speaker:rely on you our community to grow and we
Speaker:appreciate you all every day we'll talk
Speaker:to you next time thank you