Episode 29

Skyline Chili Strikes Again and a White Ford Bronco


You ever wonder why the OJ Simpson trial was such a big deal? Do you remember where you were when the verdict came out? What were the social impacts of that trial? Does that kind of history matter to most people?

Our Navy buddy Dave Rios, talks about moving around the country as a child and continuing that as an adult in the Navy...which may explain why he values personal history more than "social" history. From learning about the American Civil War while growing up in Baton Rouge to learning that the United States is fallible after the Challenger explosion, Dave brings a unique perspective that we are fortunate enough to explore.


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Talk with History is a global Top 50 History podcast on Feedspot!

additional sound effects from https://www.zapsplat.com

About the Podcast

Show artwork for Talk With History: Discover Your History Road Trip
Talk With History: Discover Your History Road Trip
A Historian and Navy Veteran talk about traveling to historic locations

About your hosts

Profile picture for Scott B

Scott B

Host of the Talk With History podcast, Producer over at Walk with History on YouTube, and Editor of TheHistoryRoadTrip.com
Profile picture for Jennifer B

Jennifer B

Former Naval Aviator turned Historian and a loyal Penn Stater. (WE ARE!) I earned my Masters in American History and graduate certificate in Museum Studies, from the University of Memphis.

The Talk with History podcast gives Scott and me a chance to go deeper into the details of our Walk with History YouTube videos and gives you a behind-the-scenes look at our history-inspired adventures.

Join us as we talk about these real-world historic locations and learn about the events that continue to impact you today!

Supporters of the show!

Thank you to everyone who supports the show and keeps us up and running. Doing this with your support means that we can continue to share history and historic locations for years to come!
Support Talk with History now
Stephanie Barnes $10
I spend lots of time in the car with my kids, and we all love listening :)
Larry Z $25
Caught with every podcast. Discovered after learning about them through Pin-Ups For Vets when Jenn became an ambassador. WW II content my favorite.
Jack B $5
Thank you for the great podcasts and for sharing your passion! Love hearing about the locations you visit.