Episode 8
Lincoln Assassination Facts You Never Knew
We walked in the footsteps of history when we visited each location of the various events surrounding the night of President Abraham Lincoln's assassination. Walking in the footsteps of Lincoln and his cabinet, John Wilkes Booth and his fellow Conspirators is an experience you don't want to miss!!
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🎥 On Location at the Lincoln Assassination Sites
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Speaker:greetings and welcome to the talk with
Speaker:History Podcast I am your host Scott
Speaker:here with my wife and historian Jen hi
Speaker:on this podcast we talk about history's
Speaker:continuing impact on us and our personal
Speaker:journey through YouTube as we continue
Speaker:to explore record and share our history
Speaker:walks with you this is our five-star
Speaker:question of the week portion
Speaker:but seeing as how it is still just you
Speaker:and I with five star reviews
Speaker:on our own podcast here I'm just gonna
Speaker:put out a call folks will start hearing
Speaker:this once the fifth episode comes out so
Speaker:if you guys want to get a question
Speaker:answered on this portion of the podcast
Speaker:in the future
Speaker:please leave us a review on iTunes and I
Speaker:will do my best to get your question
Speaker:answered on a future podcast episode
Speaker:we have a topic that everybody's heard
Speaker:about this is a Big E and if you grew up
Speaker:in the United States you learned about
Speaker:the assassination of President Abraham
Speaker:on April 14 1865 John Wilkes Booth shot
Speaker:the 16th president in Ford's Theater
Speaker:cementing himself in American history as
Speaker:the notorious criminal that he was
Speaker:did you know that Abraham Lincoln was
Speaker:supposed to watch a different play at a
Speaker:different theater that night
Speaker:to John Wilkes Booth know that or was he
Speaker:just lucky
Speaker:Jen I think that's what made this video
Speaker:so interesting is I kind of found out
Speaker:that little tidbit of information
Speaker:probably about a week before we went to
Speaker:DC and I thought oh this would be a
Speaker:really great way to open walk with
Speaker:history and that's how we open it we
Speaker:open at the Lincoln Memorial
Speaker:on the mall we open with that question
Speaker:that he actually had tickets to the
Speaker:National Theater to see Aladdin that
Speaker:night and John Wilkes Booth knew he was
Speaker:going to the National Theater and he had
Speaker:bought tickets to the box right beside
Speaker:knowing that that's where he was going
Speaker:to be that night but as we all know he
Speaker:went to Ford's Theater so
Speaker:my question was
Speaker:would Booth have known would would
Speaker:things have been different if if Booth
Speaker:hadn't found out that he was going to
Speaker:Ford's Theater and if you watch
Speaker:with history I kind of explained about
Speaker:how he finds out he actually goes to
Speaker:Ford's Theater at noon
Speaker:the the day of the 14th to get his mail
Speaker:and the theater owner says to him oh the
Speaker:Lincolns have rsvp'd for tonight's play
Speaker:our American cousin because it was a
Speaker:comedy and Mrs Lincoln wanted
Speaker:um her husband to to laugh and because
Speaker:this was only a week after yeah one week
Speaker:after the end of the Civil War at the
Speaker:end of the Civil War and one of the
Speaker:things that you did a good job in the
Speaker:video of was was emphasizing how famous
Speaker:John Wilkes Booth was and comparing him
Speaker:famous actors of today he'd be like a
Speaker:Brad Pitt or Denzel Washington like
Speaker:A-list A-list Tom Cruise A-list like
Speaker:to that extreme of an A-list actor where
Speaker:you would see them walk in and you
Speaker:wouldn't even question their access
Speaker:because they're just that high up on the
Speaker:echelon right we have friends who work
Speaker:in the military and they've met High
Speaker:Echelon actors because they feel like
Speaker:they have that kind of closeness to
Speaker:military members and so that's who Booth
Speaker:was and and as a general right as a non
Speaker:history geek myself I I just didn't know
Speaker:that right I thought he was like
Speaker:planning and scheming and like had to
Speaker:sneak in and all this stuff and he
Speaker:really yeah because of his access he
Speaker:just kind of walked in because he's John
Speaker:Wilkes Booth like he had performed there
Speaker:like the night before a couple nights
Speaker:before and he performed at Ford's
Speaker:Theater all the time so all of the staff
Speaker:there they they see him come in or like
Speaker:oh yeah you know Mr Booth come on in you
Speaker:know and use like you said he was
Speaker:collecting his mail there they think
Speaker:nothing of it they think he's just going
Speaker:to say hi to the president when he goes
Speaker:into his box if Ford's Theater they're
Speaker:just thinking he's gonna say hi check in
Speaker:and he has that access he's so famous
Speaker:what's interesting about this video is
Speaker:it's like 12 locations so it's one of
Speaker:our like
Speaker:when it comes to locations the most
Speaker:saturated so when you think when you
Speaker:walk if you watch this video we're going
Speaker:to all these different places and trying
Speaker:to show you how that night
Speaker:the conspiracy was to kill not just the
Speaker:president but the Vice President Johnson
Speaker:and Secretary of State and I say his
Speaker:name wrong in the video it's Seward but
Speaker:I say it's c word the whole time I'm a
Speaker:name butcher just putting that out there
Speaker:and so people have corrected me it's
Speaker:spelled like c word right but it's
Speaker:pronounced Seward so um so we go to all
Speaker:those locations because this was a
Speaker:conspiracy to [ __ ] the Union
Speaker:they wanted to take out all the top
Speaker:leadership at one time so that the South
Speaker:had its opportunity to rise again but it
Speaker:started out as a kidnap plot right and
Speaker:it started out at uh what's the what's
Speaker:the house Mary Mary sarad so John serrat
Speaker:her son was a it was a spy for the con
Speaker:for the Confederacy and he basically
Speaker:helps start this whole kidnap plot and
Speaker:the kidnap plot was to kidnap Lincoln
Speaker:take him to Richmond trade him for all
Speaker:these Confederate prisoners of war that
Speaker:was the whole plot before the end of the
Speaker:now that the war is over it switches
Speaker:quickly as you can see to a
Speaker:assassination plot and
Speaker:Lincoln we show this in the video we'll
Speaker:give a very famous speech right after
Speaker:the surrender
Speaker:and Booth is at that speech now
Speaker:and then he makes a comment like that'll
Speaker:be the last speech he ever says and so
Speaker:this is another thing that happens to us
Speaker:is you had edited that video and you had
Speaker:a snippet of that speech from the movie
Speaker:Lincoln right with Daniel Day-Lewis
Speaker:right and
Speaker:then you had used the picture from
Speaker:something else and you said this is the
Speaker:picture from that speech well it wasn't
Speaker:that speech was his inauguration speech
Speaker:and the picture was something else so
Speaker:people kind of caught us on that so we
Speaker:were just trying to show proximity how
Speaker:he had that access to the president yeah
Speaker:and again it's not like
Speaker:John Wilkes Booth had to sneak into
Speaker:wherever the president was giving
Speaker:speeches he was John Wilkes Booth he's
Speaker:an A-list actor and and honestly back
Speaker:then people could just go attend the
Speaker:president's speech they didn't have to
Speaker:have an invitation yeah but it was that
Speaker:speech that just kind of like ignites
Speaker:the fire he was really like
Speaker:strong strong Southern sympathizers okay
Speaker:that that speech ignites this fire that
Speaker:held he said that's the last speech the
Speaker:president will ever give like he's very
Speaker:on fire about that so that's when he
Speaker:meets with Powell and asarat and he's
Speaker:like we're we're killing everyone
Speaker:tonight we're gonna kill them yeah now
Speaker:the and these were the other
Speaker:co-conspirators and again to paint the
Speaker:picture for people who haven't seen the
Speaker:video yeah we we kind of we set the
Speaker:scene with all the players we do Mary
Speaker:sarrod and the co-conspirators of John
Speaker:Wilkes Booth right those are some of the
Speaker:most famous folks yeah so John Wilkes
Speaker:Booth is going after Lincoln Powell is
Speaker:going after c word and asarat is going
Speaker:after Johnson Johnson's the vice
Speaker:president seaward Secretary of State
Speaker:those are who they put in place
Speaker:to do the actual act and then you have
Speaker:supporters right so there's like John
Speaker:Sarat Mary Sarat Harold who we talk
Speaker:about a couple times Harold is with
Speaker:Booth when he's killed yeah and then one
Speaker:of the things that I found interesting
Speaker:was kind of how coordinated this group
Speaker:was like you said all on the same night
Speaker:they were going to try to they changed
Speaker:from kidnapping to assassination but
Speaker:they were going to try to assassinate
Speaker:three different people yeah all at the
Speaker:same time all at the same time and all
Speaker:in very close proximity yeah so they try
Speaker:to do it around 10 pm because they don't
Speaker:want one to be done and then it sets off
Speaker:this you know
Speaker:what's going on and everyone gets high
Speaker:security around them they want
Speaker:everything to kind of happen at the same
Speaker:time right and I think
Speaker:you have unfortunately Booth is the only
Speaker:one who's successful right right so you
Speaker:we do a really great job in the video if
Speaker:you watch it Powell is I mean he's ready
Speaker:to fight he gets into seaward's house
Speaker:and see where it's in Seward's house
Speaker:Seward's house Seward's house was
Speaker:actually right by the White House right
Speaker:next to the White House so we went and
Speaker:that was another cool thing of what we
Speaker:get to do with our videos is we were
Speaker:there standing in front of the White
Speaker:House as close as you can get right now
Speaker:yeah it's it's pretty well fenced off so
Speaker:we were standing next to some uh kind of
Speaker:protester oh yeah spot or something like
Speaker:that but I didn't realize how close you
Speaker:know he was the Secretary of State yeah
Speaker:um how close it was to the White House
Speaker:yeah he was right there and then it was
Speaker:two or three blocks away it was the
Speaker:and that's where um Johnson was staying
Speaker:but Powell like he gets in that house
Speaker:he's and he stabs him he he he injures
Speaker:eight people he injures eight people he
Speaker:kills no one he injures four of Seward's
Speaker:and then like the nurse and the security
Speaker:guard and Seward he stabs him in the
Speaker:cheek and he stabs him in the neck and
Speaker:so much so that this blood everywhere so
Speaker:you would think that he did kill him but
Speaker:it was with such force that he grabs him
Speaker:and he's an older gentleman plus he just
Speaker:was in a carriage accident so he's kind
Speaker:of convalescing in his bed
Speaker:and he grabs him with such Force
Speaker:probably has a lot of adrenaline that he
Speaker:stabs him twice in the face kind of
Speaker:slips off and then he actually ends up
Speaker:like pushing him off the bed and that's
Speaker:what saves his life because he gets
Speaker:behind the bed and then by that time his
Speaker:kids his two his sons who grab him and
Speaker:pull him out and they basically like
Speaker:basically fight him out the house
Speaker:and then people aren't really sure where
Speaker:pal goes from there because he'll show
Speaker:up at Mary sarad's house a couple days
Speaker:later he shows up exactly as the
Speaker:investigators are there to question mark
Speaker:if he walks in too and it's like okay I
Speaker:didn't remember that so they arrest both
Speaker:of them well
Speaker:this is one of my favorite videos to
Speaker:edit because I just kind of stumbled
Speaker:across I would try to clip in funny
Speaker:movie scenes to to kind of lighten the
Speaker:mood of some of these things or
Speaker:something that's kind of in reference to
Speaker:whatever we're talking about and asarot
Speaker:he basically goes and he's supposed to
Speaker:try to attack the vice president Vice
Speaker:President Johnson who's at the Kirkwood
Speaker:house which is it's like a first class
Speaker:boarding house right and he ends up
Speaker:sitting in the hotel bar in the hotel
Speaker:and gets just smashed and he gets he
Speaker:gets smashed and if you've ever seen if
Speaker:anybody listening has ever seen old
Speaker:school yeah so the Will Ferrell movie
Speaker:that made him famous is Frank the tank
Speaker:so I clip in a scene of Will Ferrell
Speaker:saying no no I can't drink at some
Speaker:college party yeah right because he's
Speaker:part of the fraternity and then all of a
Speaker:sudden like then he starts drinking more
Speaker:and more and then he's streaking down
Speaker:the street and so so and by himself and
Speaker:so I kind of cut that in in with what
Speaker:asteroid did because essentially that's
Speaker:what happened with Astro that's what
Speaker:happened with that that's right he just
Speaker:kept asking questions where's the vice
Speaker:president and is he in his room is he is
Speaker:he going to be there all night and so
Speaker:people were wondering why is he keep
Speaker:asking these questions about the vice
Speaker:president so he notices that he's
Speaker:raising suspicion and so he wanders out
Speaker:of the hotel and he's by that time he's
Speaker:very intoxicated and he wanders around
Speaker:he drops a big knife in a gutter a lady
Speaker:sees him do it she and that she tells
Speaker:the police what she saw and so then he
Speaker:is arrested again he never even attacks
Speaker:the vice president but he will be
Speaker:executed because he is part of the
Speaker:conspiracy and Kirkwood house which is
Speaker:not there anymore but we stand at the
Speaker:address that is where Johnson will be
Speaker:inaugurated so I make the mistake on the
Speaker:video saying that he's inaugurated at
Speaker:the Peterson house that's where Lincoln
Speaker:passes away it's the boarding house
Speaker:across the street from Sports theater
Speaker:Johnson will go there after Lincoln is
Speaker:shot and he will visit him but there but
Speaker:he's told to leave and he says that he
Speaker:basically Paces his suite at the
Speaker:Kirkwood house the rest of the night and
Speaker:it's that next morning that he's told
Speaker:because Lincoln will pass away at 7 22
Speaker:a.m that he's told that Lincoln has
Speaker:passed and so he gets he thinks it's
Speaker:poor taste to be inaugurated anywhere
Speaker:else then his location so the Justice um
Speaker:the the Supreme Court Justice comes to
Speaker:the Kirkwood house and swears him in on
Speaker:April 15 1865 at the Kirkwood house yeah
Speaker:and it was it was actually really cool
Speaker:because we did this we were out there
Speaker:visiting in DC we were hanging out with
Speaker:family for a few days
Speaker:um and we had done a bunch of right is
Speaker:we were doing history stuff there's
Speaker:history everywhere there we had done the
Speaker:mall we had been to Arlington partly
Speaker:already and we had done a couple of them
Speaker:Mount Vernon and so we got lucky right
Speaker:your mom was watching the kids and we
Speaker:just it took us all of like three-ish
Speaker:hours to film this we would you have to
Speaker:plan it out we planned it out and we
Speaker:were we were moving fast we were moving
Speaker:fast but you could walk it relatively
Speaker:easily in an afternoon or a morning you
Speaker:could and this was a really great video
Speaker:for for our walk with history just what
Speaker:we wanted to do with like a map right
Speaker:like have access to a map that coincided
Speaker:with our episode so you could walk
Speaker:the places that we're walking because we
Speaker:we go to all the locations um we'll go
Speaker:to baptist alley which is really cool
Speaker:that's the alleyway behind yeah and yeah
Speaker:and it looks the same so that's what's
Speaker:really cool about it it's you can
Speaker:imagine John Wilkes Booth coming out
Speaker:that stage door getting on the horse and
Speaker:I'll just kind of toot my own horn here
Speaker:I think I do a good job in the video of
Speaker:just kind of setting the scene and
Speaker:getting some sound effects and kind of
Speaker:we're standing right there literally in
Speaker:the alley looking at the doors where
Speaker:John Wilkes Booth ran out jumped on a
Speaker:horse and hauled butt out of town yeah
Speaker:and and so I I do a decent job of kind
Speaker:of showing that you know and getting
Speaker:those sound effects and you really feel
Speaker:like oh man this is must have been what
Speaker:it was like yeah yeah so it's it that
Speaker:was real that was to me one of the
Speaker:neatest things because not a lot of
Speaker:people are gonna go find Baptist alley
Speaker:but everybody's gonna go over to Ford's
Speaker:Theater and do stuff like that you'll
Speaker:see the Peterson outside yes you'll do
Speaker:both of those but to walk around the
Speaker:back that was really neat and to see the
Speaker:Escape Route of Booth was that was
Speaker:really neat and we go to we went to Mary
Speaker:sarat's house
Speaker:but I think what was really cool what we
Speaker:did in this video is we actually go to
Speaker:Fort McNair right with where the
Speaker:conspirators were the conspirators were
Speaker:hung and not a lot of people you have to
Speaker:have base access to go there you're not
Speaker:allowed to just go there and see it I
Speaker:mean we have to show our IDs to even get
Speaker:on there and we had been to Fort McNair
Speaker:before for a wedding yep and you could
Speaker:pump you could see that location from
Speaker:the Officers Club where the wedding was
Speaker:but where we stood where the
Speaker:conspirators were hung yeah and
Speaker:you know they they hung for 30 minutes
Speaker:and they made a and this is Mary Sarat
Speaker:right she's the first woman executed
Speaker:by the American U.S government
Speaker:officially and I was surprised when I
Speaker:was making the video that I mean there's
Speaker:there's pictures there's pictures of
Speaker:that hanging hey you can see if you
Speaker:Google it you can look up pictures of of
Speaker:those Lincoln assassination conspirators
Speaker:being hung yeah and um they really hung
Speaker:her to try to get John her son because
Speaker:he had fled
Speaker:he he claims that he was he did not know
Speaker:about the assassination which it could
Speaker:be possible because right we said booth
Speaker:made this a quick judgment right we're
Speaker:not going to do the kidnapping we're
Speaker:gonna make this so he claimed that he
Speaker:was just a part of the kidnapping plot
Speaker:change the assassination plot he did not
Speaker:know that he heard about it in New York
Speaker:he flees to Canada he's able to make it
Speaker:across the ocean to Liverpool he's able
Speaker:to make it to Italy and then as he's
Speaker:trying to go from Italy to Egypt he gets
Speaker:caught oh I didn't know that and then
Speaker:he's brought back to America and he's
Speaker:not brought back to America until I
Speaker:think it's 1867. so we actually had
Speaker:people like hunting him down over there
Speaker:in Egypt yeah I mean Lincoln was a
Speaker:well-loved president yeah you know and
Speaker:so then he goes months after his mom's
Speaker:been killed and it's a two-month trial
Speaker:and then it's just declared a mistrial
Speaker:and then statute limitations found out
Speaker:he lives out his life yeah he's the only
Speaker:conspirator to really I mean you have
Speaker:mud and you have other conspirators who
Speaker:are sent to prison oh that's right I
Speaker:forgot about Dr Mudd so Dr mud is sent
Speaker:to prison and Dr Mudd as much as people
Speaker:say he tries to claim that he has no
Speaker:part of this he's actually the one who
Speaker:introduces booth and Sarat he actually
Speaker:did that in December of
Speaker:1863. I didn't realize that and or 1864.
Speaker:we'll talk about that in the movie
Speaker:National Treasure so he sets Booth's leg
Speaker:after it's broken and then again he
Speaker:tries to claim he doesn't know who he is
Speaker:he did it under duress but it comes out
Speaker:that he actually introduced booth and
Speaker:Sarat for the first time he actually
Speaker:keeps Booth's boot I think after he sets
Speaker:his leg because I think he thinks it's
Speaker:going to be worth some money or
Speaker:something so he's sent to prison and
Speaker:it's actually President Johnson who will
Speaker:release him from prison two years later
Speaker:story about
Speaker:and all of this so like I said after
Speaker:everyone's hung for 30 minutes they cut
Speaker:them down
Speaker:they put them in wooden boxes they put a
Speaker:little glass vial with each of them with
Speaker:their names and paper and they buried
Speaker:them against the East wall of the prison
Speaker:so right there at Fort mcmear yeah and
Speaker:then two years later
Speaker:he's Johnson has allowed them to dig up
Speaker:the bodies and give him back to their
Speaker:families to do with what they want and
Speaker:he mud is released from prison and other
Speaker:conspirators are released from prison
Speaker:and this is I think another reason why
Speaker:John serrat doesn't
Speaker:go to jail as the mistrial because
Speaker:Johnson wants to
Speaker:heal the nation right so
Speaker:in 1991
Speaker:Powell's skull is found at the
Speaker:Museum of America of Native Americans
Speaker:with a group of skulls
Speaker:and for some reason they get a pal skull
Speaker:with this group of skulls in 1991 and
Speaker:they don't even know how they have his
Speaker:skull why do they have his skull all
Speaker:they can go back to is in 19 in in 1867
Speaker:they allowed the bodies to be dug up and
Speaker:go back to their families
Speaker:so what they found is that Powell's
Speaker:family didn't claim his body
Speaker:in 1867 so he was buried in some
Speaker:Cemetery in DC like a poppers cemetery
Speaker:and that this is this is an interesting
Speaker:story because sometimes when you look up
Speaker:pal it'll say pal Payne yeah you
Speaker:remember that like the last names are
Speaker:kind of interchangeable so in 1885 this
Speaker:Army Medical Museum gets this skull with
Speaker:a pea stenciled on it and it says pain
Speaker:and it says a criminal executed by
Speaker:and they're able to put in place and put
Speaker:it back into place that this is actually
Speaker:Powell this is Powell's skull we have
Speaker:his skull and so they keep it for a
Speaker:while and then they give it to the
Speaker:Smithsonian in 1898
Speaker:and for some reason it gets put in with
Speaker:the Native American collection
Speaker:and so then in 1991 when it gets brought
Speaker:over to the Smithsonian in their
Speaker:collection they're like okay so what do
Speaker:we do with this skull it's definitely
Speaker:not Native American and we're not going
Speaker:to keep it so they find the 70 year old
Speaker:niece of Lewis Powell and they they take
Speaker:two years to verify that she's actually
Speaker:his niece and they ask her what you want
Speaker:to do with the skull it's your family's
Speaker:skull and she decides to have it buried
Speaker:with his mother so I think it's
Speaker:somewhere in the south in Georgia that
Speaker:his skull history is such like the
Speaker:weirdest thing like you know what that
Speaker:reminds me of is
Speaker:um what was the movie with Matthew
Speaker:McConaughey Savannah yeah right and so
Speaker:in part of that movie he's hunting down
Speaker:these gold medallions yes like Sahara
Speaker:Sahara Sahara and his buddy starts
Speaker:saying he's like well you know my dad
Speaker:collects coins he's like okay well
Speaker:what's your point he's like well my dad
Speaker:collects coins from all over the world
Speaker:and coins they just end up in someone's
Speaker:pocket and they travel here and they
Speaker:travel there and all of a sudden they
Speaker:end up somewhere else
Speaker:right it's the same thing when you have
Speaker:something of such historical impact and
Speaker:characters like that yeah here's this
Speaker:guy's skull traveling from place to
Speaker:place for decades and even the
Speaker:Smithsonian can't so you'll you'll I
Speaker:read a little like they they try to
Speaker:think where his body is
Speaker:why isn't the skull with the body they
Speaker:have some theories but they don't know
Speaker:for sure exactly what the body is they
Speaker:think it was somebody in the popper
Speaker:gravesite area who knew who he was and
Speaker:got kind of excited and dug up his goal
Speaker:that's what they think it was
Speaker:now if I remember right one of the
Speaker:things you pointed out in this video was
Speaker:that after this assassination that's
Speaker:kind of when the Secret Service really
Speaker:became more of a thing was that after
Speaker:this one so it's it's a little bit after
Speaker:this one but it really
Speaker:I think it gets really more amped up
Speaker:after Garfield's assassination okay so
Speaker:Lincoln is the first assassination and
Speaker:then Garfield will be the second okay
Speaker:and also the government's like okay yeah
Speaker:we got to start protecting our president
Speaker:so that's it's really after Garfield I
Speaker:mean and what's really funny about all
Speaker:this is poor Robert Todd Lincoln that's
Speaker:right right so we talk about this like
Speaker:Robert Todd Lincoln was at the surrender
Speaker:Abraham's son Abraham's son his oldest
Speaker:son his only surviving son he is only
Speaker:one son that will survive to adulthood
Speaker:and live out his life it's his oldest
Speaker:son and he is at the surrender at the
Speaker:Appomattox Courthouse he is with Grant
Speaker:when Lee surrenders so he makes it back
Speaker:to DC he's tired his parents ask him if
Speaker:he wants to go with them to
Speaker:The Voice theater he says no I'm tired
Speaker:his younger brother takes the tickets to
Speaker:the other show to Aladdin Tad he goes to
Speaker:Aladdin Robert stays home and rests
Speaker:then Lincoln's assassinated he makes
Speaker:sure Tad gets home he makes sure Ted is
Speaker:taking care of guarded and he goes to
Speaker:the Peterson house and he sits with his
Speaker:father until he passes
Speaker:then when Garfield is president he's
Speaker:made Secretary of War Garfield has a
Speaker:great respect for Lincoln Garfield was a
Speaker:union general in the Civil War he makes
Speaker:Roberto Lincoln as Secretary of War and
Speaker:he is with him in the train station when
Speaker:he is shot by Charles God Robert Lincoln
Speaker:is there and what's what's neat about it
Speaker:though is this is when the government
Speaker:has paid for Arlington and they get the
Speaker:deed and it's actually because he's
Speaker:Secretary of War it's Robert Lincoln who
Speaker:will actually accept the deed of
Speaker:and then when
Speaker:McKinley is assassinated in 1901
Speaker:Robert Todd Lincoln is is also there
Speaker:he's standing outside the front door and
Speaker:so that's when the Secret Service really
Speaker:gets ramped up after that assassination
Speaker:that's a third assassination and he also
Speaker:bows out a public life after that
Speaker:because he gets very as you can imagine
Speaker:he's been with the three presidents that
Speaker:have been assassinated yeah he's Famous
Speaker:by by position and vices so he feels he
Speaker:needs he feels some white and I wouldn't
Speaker:say responsible but he just feels like
Speaker:he's in the wrong he's not a good luck
Speaker:charm so he he's like I'm tired of being
Speaker:around here
Speaker:so he'll he'll respectfully respectfully
Speaker:decline any invitation
Speaker:um but he is there when the Lincoln
Speaker:Memorial is dedicated he'll be there
Speaker:with Taft oh cool Taft will be the
Speaker:president to dedicate the Lincoln
Speaker:Memorial and he'll be there for that so
Speaker:he probably like was like
Speaker:swallowing real hard that day yeah
Speaker:looking around and watching Everybody
Speaker:yeah I mean it really was that I think
Speaker:more than some of our other videos
Speaker:really you really feel like I am walking
Speaker:where they walked I was you really for
Speaker:as kitschy as it is we felt like we were
Speaker:walking with history it was really cool
Speaker:and and so that we we film our opening
Speaker:from the Lincoln Memorial right and so
Speaker:it's it makes it it glows at night right
Speaker:because they keep all the lights on the
Speaker:Lincoln Memorial really bright and then
Speaker:they darken everything else around it so
Speaker:you can really see it from everywhere on
Speaker:the mall it's really like a statement
Speaker:and we we filmed our opening there
Speaker:because it's not as crowded at night too
Speaker:and I could kind of Stand By The Statue
Speaker:and not have a lot of people but when we
Speaker:were sitting out on the steps there is a
Speaker:it is kind of engraved in the granite
Speaker:where Martin Luther King had stood for
Speaker:his I have I have a dream speech and
Speaker:during the day you can see it just fine
Speaker:and tons of people will take pictures
Speaker:metal plaque that's on the ground no
Speaker:it's just engraved into the marble oh
Speaker:that's right it's nothing there if you
Speaker:some people can't see it at night and
Speaker:people would be looking and looking so I
Speaker:would turn on the light on my phone and
Speaker:just shine it for people remember it was
Speaker:I know exactly what it is I would like
Speaker:it's right there and so people would be
Speaker:like oh cool and they would take
Speaker:pictures but if you didn't know
Speaker:it just Blends in because it's just
Speaker:again it's just engraved and it's pretty
Speaker:dark it's very dark and so we had
Speaker:something happen while we were there so
Speaker:DC is like any big city where you can
Speaker:rent the Scooters or the bikes yeah with
Speaker:the app and yeah and we had walked down
Speaker:from the Lincoln Memorial over to the
Speaker:Water by the mall and we were standing
Speaker:there and it was very it was a great
Speaker:night it was just really nice and calm
Speaker:and a couple guys had rode by us on
Speaker:their bikes but like I said it's very
Speaker:dark and if you're by that area there's
Speaker:different levels there's a bunch of
Speaker:stairs and steps and different levels
Speaker:and you don't notice them and one of
Speaker:these guys just took a header into
Speaker:probably a piece of marble that was
Speaker:probably waist high yeah he did not see
Speaker:it and you just heard that bite because
Speaker:it's like plastic it was so loud I
Speaker:actually thought and I think a lot of
Speaker:people around thought like some some
Speaker:sort of explosive had gone off it
Speaker:crunched that bike you'd hear the
Speaker:plastic like crunching and it's friends
Speaker:were like whoa dude are you okay and
Speaker:he's like oh man like he and he was like
Speaker:yeah eight or nine o'clock at night we
Speaker:almost were like an aggression when he
Speaker:was okay he got up yeah and he walked
Speaker:around so he seemed okay but it's kind
Speaker:of dangerous you have to really be aware
Speaker:you definitely have to be careful you
Speaker:definitely have to be careful
Speaker:um but it it really was
Speaker:probably one of my favorite videos to
Speaker:make yeah just because everything was so
Speaker:accessible yes and it's DC right so
Speaker:you're just kind of in that DC cloud of
Speaker:like oh my gosh look at all this history
Speaker:and these monuments and all these things
Speaker:and we have other videos and we'll do
Speaker:another podcast talking about the
Speaker:Washington Mall yes
Speaker:but this one was just you've everybody's
Speaker:learned about the Lincoln assassination
Speaker:and here you and I are walking through
Speaker:down the streets next to the buildings
Speaker:of where it actually happened yeah it's
Speaker:it is like like you said we're walking
Speaker:in time we're walking in history and
Speaker:you can compare photos of then and today
Speaker:which is so neat like finding the
Speaker:locations is you can compare
Speaker:this look like this and this look like
Speaker:that and you know basis the the basic
Speaker:layout of DC has not changed at all so
Speaker:you can find all of those locations
Speaker:which is really great and even when you
Speaker:look at pictures like when the Lincoln
Speaker:was assassinated the Washington Monument
Speaker:was being made it had stalled for about
Speaker:20 years during the war so it's like
Speaker:halfway built but Lincoln saw the
Speaker:Washington Memorial being made like he
Speaker:knew that that was going to be there I'm
Speaker:sure he had no idea that Lincoln
Speaker:Memorial would be there but he knew the
Speaker:Lincoln the Washington Memorial was
Speaker:going to be there so you can imagine
Speaker:these people you're you're in the places
Speaker:where these people were
Speaker:which is really cool again this is
Speaker:probably one of my favorite videos to
Speaker:make not only just filming but also
Speaker:editing I got to do some fun stuff we
Speaker:talked about Maps kind of a little
Speaker:foreshadowing to something that we hope
Speaker:to do in the future uh maybe you know
Speaker:with a patreon page about you know our
Speaker:walk with history maps
Speaker:we'll see
Speaker:but Abraham Lincoln had an impact on
Speaker:history that it cannot be understated
Speaker:right he was a star that burned just a
Speaker:bit brighter in A Sky Full of historical
Speaker:and while there'll always be bad actors
Speaker:throughout history like John Wilkes
Speaker:Booth that try to extinguish the flame
Speaker:of those who burned so bright
Speaker:these Giants of History they generate so
Speaker:much interest
Speaker:that we will not soon forget that light
Speaker:that they shine
Speaker:for it echoes throughout history and we
Speaker:walk in their footsteps every day
Speaker:so thank you for listening to the talk
Speaker:with History Podcast and please reach
Speaker:out to us at our website talk with
Speaker:history.com that's talk with history.com
Speaker:but more importantly if you know someone
Speaker:else that might enjoy this podcast
Speaker:please share this with them especially
Speaker:if you think that today's topic would
Speaker:interest a friend shoot them a text and
Speaker:tell them to look up the talk with
Speaker:History Podcast or better yet just text
Speaker:them a direct link to today's episode we
Speaker:rely on you our community to grow and we
Speaker:appreciate you all every day
Speaker:we'll talk to you next time thank you