Episode 74
The Oregon Trail's most famous stop - Fort Laramie
In an enlightening episode of Talk with History, we embarked on a captivating journey through the past to uncover the profound history of Fort Laramie, Wyoming, and its integral role along the Oregon Trail. As a pivotal crossroads of exploration, Fort Laramie not only provided respite for pioneers braving the Oregon Trail's challenges but also served as a site of intricate diplomatic negotiations with Indigenous nations.
This exploration underscored the intertwined narratives of courage and cooperation, reminding us that history is a dynamic force shaping our present. The episode emphasized the importance of recognizing history's living influence and staying curious as we continue to Talk with History.
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Welcome to Talk With History.
Scott:I'm your host, Scott, here with my wife and historian, Jen.
Scott:On this podcast, we give you insights into our history inspired world travels,
Scott:YouTube channel journey, and examine history through deeper conversations
Scott:with the curious, the explorers, and the history lovers out there.
Scott:I'm going to ask a favor that's a little bit different to our listeners today.
Scott:I want you guys, if you're listening, To take a screenshot of your podcast
Scott:player right now, take a screenshot and then text that to a friend that you
Scott:think might enjoy this episode, because we're going to talk about an interesting
Scott:topic and I'm sure you saw it from the episode title today, but I bet there's
Scott:plenty of folks that probably played.
Scott:Oregon Trail when they were kids.
Scott:So take a screenshot real quick.
Scott:You can text it to a friend later, tell them to look us up and
Scott:listen to this episode, because I think they're going to enjoy it.
Scott:today we're embarking on a journey to the rugged landscapes of Wyoming where
Scott:the echoes of the past still resonate through the walls of Fort Laramie.
Scott:Our spotlight shines on an iconic waypoint of the American West where
Scott:cultures collide, treaters were signed.
Scott:And the dreams of a new life were kindled along the Oregon Trail.
Scott:Nestled at the crossroads of adventure and opportunity, Fort Laramie holds within
Scott:its weathered bricks and timbers a saga that shaped the destiny of a nation.
Scott:From its humble beginnings as a fur trading post in the early 19th
Scott:century, to its pivotal role as a military garrison and treaty ground,
Scott:this historic site witnessed tales of hardship, Camaraderie and transformation.
Scott:Now Jen, we got to walk for Laramie.
Scott:It was a very windy day.
Scott:Windy Wyoming.
Jenn:But tell us about it.
Jenn:So, Fort Laramie, it holds a special place in my heart because growing
Jenn:up in Cheyenne, this was a, probably a yearly stop for your field trips.
Jenn:And as you age, you learn different stories of the fort.
Jenn:But, uh, You kind of went at a young age, I think fourth, fifth grade is when
Jenn:I first went out there, and I remember learning, you know, about the families
Jenn:that came through on the Oregon Trail, and as you got older, you learn more
Jenn:about the cultures of the American Indian, and the soldier, and the treaties,
Jenn:and a lot of the survival, uh, that happened during that time and the change.
Jenn:But, um, yeah, Fort Laramie, I also played Oregon trail a lot and I
Jenn:actually have a handheld game of it that I don't even let the kids play.
Jenn:I got that for you for Christmas.
Jenn:And so Fort Laramie is very significant cause it's a stop on the Oregon
Jenn:trail, but also on the Mormon trail.
Jenn:And on the California trail, so there's like three trails that kind of go
Jenn:through that area of people who were homesteading, making their way out West
Jenn:and it would come through that area.
Scott:And actually for the video, that's one of the things we show early
Scott:in the video was kind of a map showing the convergence of some of these
Scott:trails and how they, how everything really converged at Fort Laramie.
Jenn:it did because it was pretty much the last stop before it's going to get.
Jenn:Really rough.
Jenn:Yeah before the Rockies.
Jenn:Before the Rockies.
Jenn:Before the mountains.
Jenn:And so Fort Laramie started out and I want to talk about the name so in 1815
Jenn:there it's along a river there and a lot of fur trapping is happening in the
Jenn:West for beaver pelts because everyone has their fur hats and there was a fur
Jenn:trapper named Jacques Oh, interesting.
Jenn:And he went out to trap in like, um, 1918 or 1920 and he was never seen again.
Jenn:And the story goes that the Arapaho, who were one of the tribes out there
Jenn:at the time, uh, killed him and put his body in a beaver dam in that river.
Jenn:And so they called it the Laramie.
Jenn:And so you're gonna get Fort Laramie, you're gonna get the city of Laramie, all
Jenn:of that is named after that fur trader
Scott:of 1815.
Scott:Wow, now that's an interesting one.
Scott:That's a little bit different.
Scott:It's not just named after some famous person who was out there first and
Scott:kind of planted their flag, so.
Jenn:At about the 1930s, so about 15 years later, this
Jenn:becomes a very significant stop.
Jenn:for the fur trade.
Jenn:Yeah, 1830s.
Jenn:Oh, sorry.
Jenn:So about 15 years later, 1830s.
Jenn:So when you think of the remnant with Leonardo DiCaprio, right?
Jenn:These fur trappers who are out there making their living by hunting
Jenn:wildlife and buffalo and the hides.
Jenn:And the beaver pelt, and because it's right there along a river, and I talk
Jenn:about with this river, there's life.
Jenn:This is a place where trading is happening between the white fur
Jenn:traders and the American Indians that are out there at the time.
Jenn:And so it gets started as Fort William in 1830.
Jenn:And that's kind of what it is for a significant amount of time and
Jenn:really until about 15 years later.
Jenn:when the U.
Jenn:Army will purchase it in 1849.
Jenn:And that's when it really becomes Fort Laramie.
Jenn:And that's when the Army will come on and it's going to become, uh, you
Jenn:know, a trading post, a diplomatic site, and then it's the military
Jenn:installations that are there.
Scott:and it makes sense to me that The military would kind of establish
Scott:itself there because, you know, us being in the military and the Navy, right?
Scott:Navy bases are on strategic coastal areas.
Scott:Same thing with army, army forts, right?
Scott:So it makes sense to me that there, it's such a conversion,
Scott:such a central point in that.
Scott:Western part of what wasn't even the United States yet.
Scott:No, you know, it was really just kind of a wild Western territories That they
Scott:would they would set up shop there because it was such a kind of a strategic spot.
Jenn:So if you watch 1883 or anything like that on TV you see how the
Jenn:wagon trains are very vulnerable as they're heading out west for attacks
Jenn:from so Fort Laramie the military kind of set it up there for a stop
Jenn:where you could be safe, you could
Scott:Because there wasn't any
Jenn:treaties yet.
Jenn:There wasn't any treaties yet.
Jenn:So the first treaty would happen in 1851.
Jenn:And that treaty does happen because of the unrest and the attacks that are happening.
Jenn:And there is a compromise where the American Indians won't attack, uh, and
Jenn:over 10, 000 people from the Northern Plains gathered near the fort and they
Jenn:pledged to allow, uh, the immigrants or the, um, the settlers to have safe passage
Jenn:and return for 50, 000 in antiquity goods.
Jenn:But two years later, the piece is broken.
Jenn:I mean, this is just, you know, this is a time of unrest of
Jenn:cultures clashing in America.
Jenn:Uh, and you're going to get during this time in just 1949 alone,
Jenn:like that one year where they first start the fort, you get.
Jenn:20, 000 to 40, 000, uh, people coming through there and we
Jenn:show the ways they traveled.
Jenn:The Mormons had those carts, those hand
Scott:carts, hand drawn carts.
Scott:I mean, it's not like they had a bunch of horse, horse drawn carts.
Scott:I mean, they had some oxen, like you were pointing out in the video, but it was
Scott:mostly like, them carrying it by hand.
Jenn:Carrying it by hand.
Jenn:So when you think about this, I want people to think like it wasn't the horses.
Jenn:It's oxen.
Jenn:Oxen are a little more hardy.
Jenn:And not everybody has that because not everyone people are
Jenn:trying to make their fortune.
Jenn:So they don't have really a lot of money to have those things.
Jenn:And plus I show the wagon and all the things that You would put in a wagon.
Jenn:It's just more weight.
Jenn:It's more time and people would leave those things along the way
Scott:And I thought it was interesting too that you pointed out
Scott:with kind of some close up shots of the wagon I didn't realize that the
Scott:wheels had metal rims around them
Jenn:Yeah, so they're made of wood but they have metal rims around
Jenn:them and that's again for the sturdiness of the wheel and And it
Jenn:gives you longevity of the wheel.
Jenn:But if you throw a wheel, just like if you play Oregon Trail, if you throw a
Jenn:wheel, break a wheel, you have to fix the wheel or have another wheel, or you have
Jenn:to leave the wagon behind, basically.
Jenn:And so a lot of people are walking.
Jenn:There's not, you know, some people are riding horses.
Jenn:And we've talked about different characters in history, Cody,
Jenn:Buffalo Cody, and people who are giving assistance to wagon trains.
Jenn:But a lot of people are walking and the handcart is just a remnant of that.
Scott:And, and it was.
Scott:It was pretty neat being at Fort Laramie because not only were
Scott:there the new, obviously the newer buildings like the visitor center
Scott:and things like that, but there were the remnants of these old buildings.
Scott:Like one of the shots, some of my favorite shots that I was able to get that kind
Scott:of gave you the feel for what it must have looked like was the old hospital.
Scott:You know, now is the old hospital is literally just some like ruins of like
Scott:four or five walls, but there, there are some pretty old structures that are still
Jenn:standing there.
Jenn:So they have kind of a mix of, uh, of ruins and restored structures.
Jenn:So there is, the hospital is ruins, but then they have some barracks that
Jenn:have been restored, but there were more than just that one building of
Jenn:barracks, but the restored barracks, you get a sense for what it looked like.
Jenn:They, they put cots in there, they put the tables in there, they put places where
Jenn:the men ate, and they show you also the tents because that also was overflow.
Jenn:And then they have officer housing, but they have ruins of officer housing.
Jenn:But one of the oldest structures.
Jenn:And I think it's the oldest structure in Wyoming is there at Fort Laramie.
Jenn:It's old Bedlam.
Jenn:Yeah, that's right.
Jenn:So old Bedlam was a bachelor officer's quarters.
Jenn:It was built in 1849.
Jenn:And this is Wyoming's oldest documented building that is still standing.
Jenn:And like I said, it was bachelor officers quarters in the 1850s.
Jenn:And then it was a post headquarters 1860s.
Jenn:And they have it kind of recreated.
Jenn:So you can look in the window, you know, look in the doors and see what
Scott:And if I remember right you said it got the name Old Bedlam because of all
Scott:this noise and sound Yeah, kept coming out of all the rowdiness that kept coming out
Scott:because it was bachelors quarters, right?
Scott:So they're having a grand
Jenn:old time which another thing I talk about is how Unless it was, they
Jenn:say, the big two months of when people were really coming through Fort Laramie.
Jenn:Probably summertime.
Jenn:It was boring.
Jenn:It really was a boring place to be stationed.
Jenn:And I think
Scott:when I did the research and I put it on the video, it was about
Scott:three to four hundred men that were stationed there at any given time.
Scott:Probably, it probably fluxed a little bit there, but that's a
Scott:good chunk to just be sitting.
Scott:And driving up to Fort Laramie was kind of my first time driving through Wyoming.
Scott:Um, I may have driven in parts of Wyoming when I was really, really
Scott:young, but driving, you know, from there, we had drove up from Cheyenne
Scott:and it's just vast open spaces.
Scott:Like I've never.
Scott:So, driving out west in that part of the country, like you
Scott:truly feel smaller out there.
Scott:You get a real sense of how just grandiose everything is and then you get up to
Scott:Fort Laramie and like, man, Fort Laramie is relatively well known and a lot of
Scott:people kind of associate it with, with the Oregon Trail as a, as a stopping point.
Scott:But there is nothing around
Jenn:So when you hit it.
Jenn:Think about how excited people were because this is
Jenn:a like a communication hub.
Jenn:This is like The principal military post on the Northern Plains.
Jenn:So this is where it's stage lines are gonna come through Pony
Jenn:Express is gonna come through The Transcontinental Telegraph, they're
Jenn:all gonna pass through Fort Laramie.
Jenn:And you saw how windy it was that day.
Scott:It was so frustrating from a filming standpoint because it
Scott:was so windy it actually made it a little bit less pleasant to actually
Scott:walk around and try to enjoy it.
Scott:Um, I mean, it's tough, but you were used to it, right?
Scott:Cause you grew up there.
Jenn:That's typical Wyoming.
Jenn:And so we always would say windy Wyoming because it's the plains.
Jenn:So when you live on the plains, there's nothing stopping the wind.
Jenn:And so it can, the wind just whips through.
Jenn:Now it's not cold wind.
Jenn:It's like a warm wind.
Jenn:It's kind of like a Santa Ana kind of thing if you live in California.
Jenn:But it's very windy, but it just was interesting to to be there and to be
Jenn:out there and to see it As an adult after coming so many times as a children
Jenn:as a child but they they have again, it's a mix of restored buildings and
Jenn:ruins, but they they had a demonstration where they fired a cannon And the
Jenn:Visitor's Center is like an old, um, warehouse, stores warehouse, so that's
Jenn:where the Visitor's Center is now.
Jenn:And they have a, they had a teepee out there, so you could see the
Jenn:American Indians who would come there.
Scott:And I will say one thing before we move on to kind of
Scott:some of the other structures.
Scott:The Visitor's Center, so for our kids, we tend to take, you know, our kids
Scott:to the Visitor's Center so they can do whatever kind of booklet that they have
Scott:for them to do for a Junior Ranger thing.
Scott:It's usually some sort of scavenger hunt.
Scott:The scavenger hunt at Fort Laramie is no joke.
Scott:Freaking joke.
Scott:I mean, we weren't able to finish the whole thing because it's because
Scott:everything's so spread out because there's so much space there They
Scott:don't have to be close and confined.
Scott:So I'm tracking around with our eight year old daughter And we weren't
Scott:able to finish the whole thing.
Jenn:It's a lot because it was prayed ground there It
Scott:was so much there's so much that you could spend an entire
Scott:day there with you with kids
Jenn:easily well and like You're thinking of all these families coming
Jenn:through on the Oregon Trail and they're going to set up their little camps, and
Jenn:so they're going to want a place along the river, they're going to want some
Jenn:area, they're going to want some space, so that's kind of what it's set up for.
Jenn:We, some of the significant things that come out of Fort Laramie, we talk about
Jenn:pretty often is the Treaty of 1868 and that treaty is the one that is going
Jenn:to be controversial for the Sioux Wars.
Jenn:This is the one that sets up the actual reservation for the
Jenn:Black Hills for the Lakota Sioux.
Jenn:And when that's broken, when gold is discovered and the Lakota
Jenn:Sioux leave, that is the treaty that they're trying to enforce.
Jenn:Uh, but they amend it and they break down that one reservation.
Jenn:in, on the Black Hills into the six other reservations leading up to Little
Jenn:Bighorn leading up to Little Bighorn.
Jenn:So it's always the Treaty of Fort Laramie that they're talking about.
Jenn:So it is a diplomatic site in that regard.
Jenn:It's a well known area.
Jenn:It's where the American Indians would travel to, to meet with the
Jenn:government and the people who are representing the government there to, to
Scott:negotiate those treaties.
Scott:Oh, yeah.
Scott:I mean, and it was some relatively well known Native American leaders.
Scott:I mean, I don't know if it was.
Scott:Sitting bowl or red cloud.
Scott:Yeah, so some very well known even even to us to the average.
Scott:Yeah, you know Uh, American, you know, kind of growing up here,
Scott:here in the states that, that met there to sign these treaties.
Jenn:That's kind of one of the things I really liked about Fort Laramie.
Jenn:It's, it's tied to a lot of American history.
Jenn:We talked about calamity Jane was at Fort Laramie, she's actually
Jenn:was at the hospital there.
Jenn:Uh, this is where she's gonna meet with the wagon train with Wild Bill Hickok,
Jenn:and they're gonna leave from Fort Laramie on their way up to Deadwood.
Jenn:South Dakota.
Jenn:Uh, there's an old bordello that's about a mile from Fort Laramie.
Jenn:We didn't happen to hit that, but that is, uh, a, a, a national site and, uh, that
Jenn:Calamity Jane worked out of that bordello.
Jenn:So, I mean, of course, where there's soldiers, there's,
Scott:there's business, there's old
Jenn:Um, and so the Fort is just very.
Jenn:busy and prosperous during these Oregon Trail years, but by 1890 it's
Jenn:when it's it's closed It's not there.
Jenn:No one's coming through much anymore.
Jenn:It's it's sold at auction I mean,
Scott:is that largely because had the railroads kind of gotten set up by
Scott:then was it just taking it past them?
Jenn:So after the railroad was complete It, it kind of passed Fort Laramie, so the fort's
Jenn:importance is going to be diminished.
Jenn:Uh, the last soldier is going to leave April 20th, 1890, but, um, in
Jenn:1938, President Roosevelt is going to proclaim Fort Laramie a national
Jenn:monument, and then it's designated a National Historic Site in 1960.
Jenn:So it really doesn't look so much different from that.
Jenn:You can tell that they're working on some things and preserving some
Jenn:things, but really when you go there.
Jenn:It really is a snapshot of probably what it looked like
Jenn:when it closed there in 1890.
Jenn:And that
Scott:really was a lot of these places we got to visit in the
Scott:West was really neat because you really got to have that feel right.
Scott:It didn't they haven't built up Fort Laramie that much and
Scott:there's nothing really around it.
Scott:And I can't really think of any like brand new structures that probably weren't.
Scott:Where a former structure would have been you know, so there was a lot of the
Scott:officers quarters Those ones were still built up and then they had some ruins
Scott:for other kind of you had pointed out in the video some Administrative buildings.
Scott:Yes that were near the officers quarter one building that looked like there
Scott:was there had been a theater there Was it there a school like a school
Scott:at one point and actually they talk I don't think it made it into the
Scott:video, but they had talked a little bit about, um, the schooling there.
Scott:It wasn't standardized.
Scott:And so they were kind of like fighting for their own things.
Scott:And that was something that, that led to standardization
Scott:in the future within Wyoming.
Scott:Um, so there, you really got, got a snapshot being there
Scott:because it's just so spread out.
Scott:It's like, you feel like you're in the middle of the plains.
Scott:You can
Jenn:tell that, uh, land is not an issue.
Jenn:Not at all.
Jenn:There's, so the guardhouse is there, the old guardhouse and the boys got
Jenn:a kick out of that, our boys, because it was built to hold 40 prisoners,
Jenn:but it often held a lot more.
Jenn:So you can imagine people getting rowdy and things like that.
Jenn:Very long, like makeshift.
Jenn:beds just to like, uh, basically, uh, put people in, in one cell and
Jenn:lock them all in there together.
Scott:did enjoy some of what they did to kind of preserve and kind of recreate,
Scott:you know, like the post office and the general store, because you even said
Scott:like the men there would be so bored sometimes that they were writing a
Scott:letter every day or every other day.
Scott:And the Pony Express coming through there, they could deliver mail on a,
Scott:I assume on a fairly regular business.
Scott:But we got to walk through some of the officers quarters and captains quarters.
Scott:And they had a lot of artifacts that looked, if not from the period,
Scott:you know, very well recreated.
Scott:You know, dresses and, and.
Scott:You know, kids toys and rocking horses and all the stuff.
Jenn:because there were, like, the Lieutenant Colonel and the post
Jenn:surgeon brought their families.
Jenn:So, there was, you know, women there with their children, so they did,
Jenn:they showed what that would look like if you had your family there.
Jenn:And I even think the post surgeon, he had lived there for something
Jenn:like, uh, 10 years with his family.
Jenn:So they spent a long time at Fort Laramie.
Jenn:What's neat about Fort Laramie too is the river kind of hugs it like a U.
Jenn:So the fort is inside that so you can imagine there's lots of riverbank
Jenn:for people to wash their clothing and get water for cooking or you know for
Jenn:cleanliness and so that is what is so useful about the fort with all of these
Jenn:homesteaders, immigrants, you know trail People coming through is all that
Jenn:access to water along the the river.
Jenn:So, uh, yeah It's it's it's very neat.
Jenn:I definitely say visit.
Jenn:It's free National Park Service and They have people again who are recreating
Jenn:it if you watch something like dances with wolves Something like that.
Jenn:Like it gives you the very much the feel of that era.
Scott:it absolutely does.
Scott:And if you were kind of in that neck of the country where you're kind of venturing
Scott:up towards Little Bighorn or in the Black Hills, South Dakota, Mount Rushmore area.
Scott:You're coming from Denver.
Scott:Coming from Denver.
Scott:Heading up.
Scott:It's, I mean, it's, and, and, you know, by the way, like all this,
Scott:the speed limits on the freeways out there are like 80 miles an hour.
Scott:80 miles an hour.
Scott:That, that I've.
Scott:I guess I should have expected that, but that was just a funny aside.
Scott:It's like, it's literally 80 and people are doing 85,
Scott:almost 90 everywhere out there.
Scott:Cause you're like, the roads are huge.
Scott:You're just smacking, you're driving through like these vast expanses.
Scott:It was, it was very interesting.
Scott:I hope that you've enjoyed our brief journey through the storied past of Fort
Scott:Laramie, Wyoming and the indelible mark it left on the history of the American West.
Scott:From the brave pioneers who ventured forth on the Oregon
Scott:trail to the complex interactions between cultures at Fort Laramie.
Scott:These narratives remind us that history is not a distant echo, but a living force
Scott:that continues to shape our present.
Scott:As we stand in the footsteps of those who came before, we're reminded of
Scott:the challenges they faced, the bonds they forged, and the decisions they
Scott:made that resonate across generations.
Scott:Thank you for listening to the Talk With History podcast, and please reach out
Scott:to us at our website, talkwithhistory.
Scott:com, but more importantly, Remember, take a screenshot of your podcast
Scott:player, send that picture to a friend that you think had played Oregon
Scott:Trail at one point in time and died of dysentery or broke their leg, or made
Scott:it to Fort Laramie, which I think you said was the halfway point in the game.
Scott:We rely on you, our community, to grow and we appreciate